I'm real tired right now but today's a day I wanna blog bout ;D
Late morning to start with.. met up with friends and stuff down a fillet-o-fish - that started my "engine" to play heh~
[Bullshit man! I ate the burger in 4 mouths cause I misinterpret that they're rushing to get there to cycle?]
We took off to ubin at 2 when we wanted to meet at 12 and go.

and it's breeze. [ I just love the feeling of the wind,really! ]
There are some of the people in that..
Whatever kinda name you wanna give that cruise we board.
It was a great feeling to be on the sea ;)

[Couldve gotten a better pose if he were to follow my instructions.. damn! Zhong song huey~] LAWL~
There we are, ubin..
Now now, lemme describe bout this place..
Its infested with flies [ but it doesnt seems dirty ]
Laksa pools can be found [ disgusting yet thrilling ]
Bikes at 3 dollars per hour [ now thats cheap ]
All drinks cost 1 buck [ holy cow, thrashes 7-11/cheers/kopitiams ]

All drinks cost 1 buck [ holy cow, thrashes 7-11/cheers/kopitiams ]
Alright to the main section, the stunt mans section.
Today accidents happened..
Joy - Got her feet stucked in the mud with her slippers when we're nearing the end of the cycling.
Joseph [ not counted an accident ] - had to force out all his cow
Joy - Got her feet stucked in the mud with her slippers when we're nearing the end of the cycling.
Joseph [ not counted an accident ] - had to force out all his cow

Rodney - miraclously, nothing happened.
Nicholas - fell down twice and..
I warned him already, telling him to break early when he must.
He could even bring out both legs, away from the paddle and start riding like some clown when we're going at quick a fast speed.
Damn! I flew when the brakes were hit, lucky its just minor injuries, some cuts and stuffs.
Yongxian - He got many many injuries man, fell down during one of the steepest slope we went, and have cuts/bruises all over and his cramps are acting up again. Don't know whats wrong either.
I miss the stingray, totally awesome.
and the chicken chop too!!
Yongxian's leg cramps acted up when we're bout to leave and rodney the medic tried to cure it. Holy, i think he did it ;P
and the chicken chop too!!
Yongxian's leg cramps acted up when we're bout to leave and rodney the medic tried to cure it. Holy, i think he did it ;P
Hehe. then we left changi vile and headed home in cab.
ZZZZ.. it cost me 16 bucks when there're 3 pple in my cab. Ah, forget it.. its over.
Time to sleep man, nights jackasses~