How rain obstructed a sight of beauty.
Slept for an hour at 4am, its time to go m'sia. Woots.
As always, theres no pretty girls on board :(
[so i decided to be imaginative and think that they're pretty] LOL :X jkjk
This is the sky of m'sia. Hmm kinda like the same..
but same as singapore's sky..
same colour..
but different ;P
If you dont understand what i say, you're utterly stewpid!
Now this are some of the chinese herbs. Why i took pictures of em? hmm, lets just say that this herbs fascinates me ;D
Bah , I don't know what is it called :/
Hmmm, I'm so brain dead all of a sudden..
Lets skip this part shall we?
Hmmm, I'm so brain dead all of a sudden..
Lets skip this part shall we?
KK next~~!
Ah I love this picture for some reason.
HEHE I'm not telling anyways so don't ask me ;D
But do you guys find that this picture seems abit real?!
I can't find a way to phrase it but this picture just seems..
Oh wells, unique pple takes unique shots ;)
Lunch was served and the most interestingcumthrillingcumdelicious dish was this lobster. Damn
good lah but sigh only one lobster per person :/
good lah but sigh only one lobster per person :/
Dinner was damn good, had chili crabs,prawns,fish,chicken,tofu,many many more. Haha the thought of it still makes me hungry.
Haha! sounds cute eh? kaya ball. Its nice and comes in 10pieces for 2msiabucks.
I burnt my tongue cause was too bend on "owning" this piece of ball in my mouth :/!
Lastly, was the fireflies section. It rained heavily for like 3 to 4 times today. Everytime theres some interesting event waiting up for us ahead, the rain would come. Bahhh~~!

So we didn't get to sit the boat and check out the fireflies.
BUTT!!~ this uncle caught 2 for us to see.
You can only see that "fire" produced from its ass in damn dark areas. Ha, we hang-ed the bag on the ceiling of the bus and it we headed back to singapore.
Holy cow, tml's O level science MCQ paper. Gotta study! Ciaos!