While was doing my usual 8pm jog just now, I ran pass my primary school several times.
Its the wonderful Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School [Phpps] located at bukitimah, opposite the famous "market" that sells awesome food :D. Memories that comes in different categories flash through my mind. Slowly, memories since nursery all came back...
Remember the firsttime I was thrown into Sherwood kindergarden, damn I cried so hard cause it will be the firsttime I'm going on a 8hours vacation in a different "planet" with aliens. Darn, they sure look different from me, some with big eyes small mouth, some had glasses pasted on their eyeballs @@ and others paint their skin another colour. Giants aka teachers came and smile at every of us, they took my shoes away and brought me closer to the "aliens". Everyone sat down on the chair, some started talking when the giants held their hands together and instructed em to say hello to each other. Such an introvert I am, place my head on the table and thought about why did mama abandon me, was still crying, haha.
I still miss it till now, their pancake's superb!!!!
Cards with pictures were shown, not poker cards! [ah pek ah pek!]
Those that go, A for Apple and stuffs. Then we're given a tool to sharpen our skills by writing those out-of-the-world symbols. Never thought it would be so tough and we had to write it more than once. Reading aloud was needed too, remember that teacher always compliment that I read out loud unlike the rest and I will he gloating over that flattery as I go back to my seat HAHA. Hours passed, we slept like logs and soon it was cartoon time. Hehe, its some dinosaur cartoon, forgot the title though and those cartoons that everyone watched before! Beauty and the beast, Lion king, Little mermaid, yea all these.. memories memories :D
Then the gates to heaven were open, outside stood familiar faces, they were my mom and maid. Finally.. It feels like I was in another dimension lah! Haha, have I ever mentioned to you people? When I was young, I always thought that bukit timah = singapore. Other places like batok and such ain't located in singapore HAHA! What kinda brain do I have? [Definitely not buttbrain ;D]
I even learnt to eat flies at kindergarden hehe!!
Some guy, forgot his name, he just ate it and I asked him whether if it tastes good??
He said its crispy and tasteless HAHAA.!!
Thus curious me search for a fly, [ fly = ants with wings ] and ate it, I couldn't even chew it lah CRAP~~!!
Wooo.. Fast Forward~~
What do I still remember about kindergarden*thinks*
I love to draw rockets!
I collect pictures of cars from newspaper and paste em in a sketch book! Think its somewhere ard the house hmm..
And stamps! [ Don't ask me why, I wonder why too ]
YEA~ I love the marine playground and the extinct sand playground..
Then slowly, I hit K2 and got fired, thanks to my skill in writing. The teacher said I write things very slowly and was transferred to PAP, wth lor~ but its funny though HAHA!
Though I only found out the reason why I got transferred some years ago, but I didn't regret the time I had at PAP. I knew rich kids, really rich ones with a fish pond in the living room with a genuine tiger skin beside the tv, 3 storey spiral staircase with 4 parrots 2 hens, a big balcony with swimming pool and 3 damn large dogs. His drawings were damn nice too, power ranger though[he gave me a piece of his drawings..and i lost it :P! It may sound kiddy right now, but aye, power ranger was the craze lasttime lor. Every saturday 10pm I think.. then came digimon and pokemon HAHA~
~and many other friends that yea.. are still friends even till now :)
Sega was also the craze!! Especially Aladdin/sonic/lionking, if you never play before, wah you must be damn outdated during that era HAHA
Until here, me am happy cause I still remember names and faces and are friends with some of the people I knew since nursery. Some live in my neighbourhood, still am able to meet em once in awhile and the rest are scattered ard Singapore/World.. I do wanna know how they are right now as its good to have another friend yea? but hey, no time to fret over this, fate will decide it! "Theres a reason to everything we do and people we meet yup?"
Abandoned piano lessons at K2. Found it real boring as my passion was.. gaming :P
Kinda regret it right now but nvm, I have one at home, can learn anytime hehe!
Art attracted me at that point of time, loved painting alot!!
I still have a workpiece at home, some painting I did on a stone ;D
then it was primary school era. Hmmm, and its sleeping time for me too. I'm tired.
Guess I'll continue another day! :)
Btw, I hated my bro always, ever since he was born, he breaks my toys, lego sets that took me days to complete and he crushed it in one second, pull out wheels from my hotwheels cars and always I'm in wrong when I scold him. Yep, he doesn't knows anything, thats what mama says. Then he continues giving me trouble, ruin my "trophies".
But right now, guess I'll have to give in to him and instead of scolding, guess I'll just knock some sense into him. Just hate some people when they still wanna protect their pride/name/whatever nonsense when they're in wrong and laugh about it like nothing happened. Such are categorize under suckers, may they fall into the drain-break a toe, get bang by a lorry-become handicap or just hang emself and die-best and only solution!
Nights :D
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Happy new year, pull your ear! *ouch~*
Hey hey hey, its chinese new year again!For short people, I wish you kuai gao zhang da! :X
Haha joking..
I wish everyone out there chong ming ling li, shen ti jian kang, and er... kuai gao zhang da.. AGAIN LALALA~~
Right right, serious already!
Hmmm, had a great cny this year. The every year routine, aka having reunion dinner at grandma's house still remain!

But after hiring a maid with miraculous massage abilities [for legs].. my ah gong could walk again, slowly, unstable but yes he can walk. Damn, I love ah ma's soup man, every year also have to drink one lor!! Awesome!
Then as usual, its temples temples and temples..
and a dinner at some restaurant which is a must every year.

Kay, we went to play, sounds nicer yea?
Oh ya, we went to mengrong's house to play and his house is damn..
cool la~ his house really stylo milo.
Yep, then we went started playing..

Started off with blackjack and it got boring after awhile..
Some punks felt hungry and order mac.
Oh ya! I've to whine about it!!
I really really can't eat macs at all in the evening or at night man!
Result would be a mutated andy.
I tend to get saggy skin? maybe
Pimples outta nowhere. CONFIRM~~

headaches ~ occasionally.
And it sucks lah! the feeling..
but back to the fun part when we started the game " in-between"
I'll tell you the rules if you ask me :D
Holy man, the stakes are small, but as the money accumulates, one can win big, and suffer a greater loss.
Joseph was leading at first but just because of one wrong move, he got K.O. real badly HAHA~
In the end, I won 18bucks with stakes of 10 cents 20cents LAWL~~
That game was really thrilling..
I won quite an amount while gambling with the people at my mum's side.
Holy, their stakes' real big. Wanted to back out but nah, I CAN TAKE IT MAN!
*Didn't know those uncles/aunties whom seems so strict can be so fun to be with,haha*
And yea, watched a movie and am gg bed right now.
Happy new year again dudes/babes/hunks/whatever.. out there :D
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
ITS VALENTINES~ get a date dudes ;D
I'm half away from a 100 posts!
Today's a fine day, till I started over exerting myself at gym training and got myself real dizzy and vomit all out my lunch. It was a real bad feeling I must say..
My legs went wobbly and I sat at one corner and dozed off LOL~
But it was damn uncomfortable.. then the teacher shouted at me thus.. I revived like a newly rebirth phoenix and went back to gym work. It was tough alright, after weeks of slacking.. but its kinda cool to get sweat it all out!
Went home, ate some left overs that mum and bro couldn't finish.. [thanks to my dead cellphone..] I din't get a proper meal whole day :\
Oh wells, but its all good, the leftovers' nice.. after revealing my magnificent skills on the magic box!! The microwave! :P heehee~!
Right now its 12.53am, today's Valentine..
Though andy had already given up thoughts on love and relationship stuffs, theres still this feeling that tells me he yearns for a relationship.. with that particular person, that special someone..
Suddenly, its like I feel damn hollow. Not that I'm hungry even if eat alot.. but its just like.. void, empty empty.. get it?!
Its kinda hard to shake this feeling off me *shrugs*..
Inorder to extricate these messy thoughts..
1) hey dudes, go buy cny clothes leh! shopshop!
2) to meet up with that special someone which's arranged by fate and destiny?
3) eat sleep eat sleep and repeat it and so on ;D
Sigh, its sad.. cause I have to paint the house, clean the fans, change the bulbs, wash the fish tank [cause my dad super busy with work].. and throw away my hotwheels set~! Its dusty, broken, and I believe it wants to be recycled in a way.. but sigh, that's my favourite birthday present.. till now.. [was my primary 3's birthday present, and I never ever recieved a birthday gift anymore,neither do I celebrate.. since my grandma passed away ard my 9th birthday, aka primary 4]. Every year birthday's like having a last minute meal with family[excluding dad, whom doesn't celebrates birthday with me since primary 4 too..] and going home alone, thinking about the new reponsibilites and burden that one have to face/endure.. reflecting on what should I do in the near future. Sadly, am not doing well with life but HEY! I look on the bright side always.. thinking negatively or getting emo's not the resolution! Afterall, standing up after a fall, walk on towards life following up with a smile ain't that hard yea? ;)
Its just that .. its empty inside you know?!
BAHH~~ quit thinking andy..
I'm half away from a 100 posts!
Today's a fine day, till I started over exerting myself at gym training and got myself real dizzy and vomit all out my lunch. It was a real bad feeling I must say..
My legs went wobbly and I sat at one corner and dozed off LOL~
But it was damn uncomfortable.. then the teacher shouted at me thus.. I revived like a newly rebirth phoenix and went back to gym work. It was tough alright, after weeks of slacking.. but its kinda cool to get sweat it all out!
Went home, ate some left overs that mum and bro couldn't finish.. [thanks to my dead cellphone..] I din't get a proper meal whole day :\
Oh wells, but its all good, the leftovers' nice.. after revealing my magnificent skills on the magic box!! The microwave! :P heehee~!
Right now its 12.53am, today's Valentine..
Though andy had already given up thoughts on love and relationship stuffs, theres still this feeling that tells me he yearns for a relationship.. with that particular person, that special someone..
Suddenly, its like I feel damn hollow. Not that I'm hungry even if eat alot.. but its just like.. void, empty empty.. get it?!
Its kinda hard to shake this feeling off me *shrugs*..
Inorder to extricate these messy thoughts..
1) hey dudes, go buy cny clothes leh! shopshop!
2) to meet up with that special someone which's arranged by fate and destiny?
3) eat sleep eat sleep and repeat it and so on ;D
Sigh, its sad.. cause I have to paint the house, clean the fans, change the bulbs, wash the fish tank [cause my dad super busy with work].. and throw away my hotwheels set~! Its dusty, broken, and I believe it wants to be recycled in a way.. but sigh, that's my favourite birthday present.. till now.. [was my primary 3's birthday present, and I never ever recieved a birthday gift anymore,neither do I celebrate.. since my grandma passed away ard my 9th birthday, aka primary 4]. Every year birthday's like having a last minute meal with family[excluding dad, whom doesn't celebrates birthday with me since primary 4 too..] and going home alone, thinking about the new reponsibilites and burden that one have to face/endure.. reflecting on what should I do in the near future. Sadly, am not doing well with life but HEY! I look on the bright side always.. thinking negatively or getting emo's not the resolution! Afterall, standing up after a fall, walk on towards life following up with a smile ain't that hard yea? ;)
Its just that .. its empty inside you know?!
BAHH~~ quit thinking andy..
Happy valentines everyone~ nights!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Last year, when i took back my results..
I was freaking disappointed..
Today i took back my results..
and i aint gonna beat around the bush with it..
the feeling was ..
being shot by machines gun unknowingly..
pushed down from the plane without a parachute..
It burned my heart..
and theres nothing I can do about it..
cant help.. the conclusion's..
I tried to find the reason why..
I feel like giving up..
but I don't wanna leave it behind..
Anyways, after 10mins of reflecting..
guess this is the success path I'm going to take..
I'm not going to falter man!!!
I was freaking disappointed..
Today i took back my results..
and i aint gonna beat around the bush with it..
the feeling was ..
being shot by machines gun unknowingly..
pushed down from the plane without a parachute..
It burned my heart..
and theres nothing I can do about it..
cant help.. the conclusion's..
I tried to find the reason why..
I feel like giving up..
but I don't wanna leave it behind..
Anyways, after 10mins of reflecting..
guess this is the success path I'm going to take..
I'm not going to falter man!!!
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