Wednesday, May 04, 2011

That vicious cycle

Have you ever wondered, why do you deserve that particular kind of treatment from that particular person? And why are you applying that to another person in the upcoming future?

grudge? saddistic?

We'll make an example out of it, a certain person named,

lets say, Tom, always bullies John.
John slowly grows a grudge and swore to himself he'll be successful and powerful like Tom so he wouldn't be bullied again.

When he reaches that stage in life, he slowly grows into that state where he becomes like Tom and starts abusing his power, because he wants to get things done so that he wouldn't get bullied by another..

and that vicious cycle repeats.

Would you be the one person, to put that to an end, to break that chain of effect, to be a forgiving person.

or maybe once again, I'm thinking too much?

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