28th August
Fish & Co, seafood platter for 2, but I ate 1 1/2 O_O!!! Too bad the prawns ain't that fresh, if not I can see zhong chun mei :P! HAHA
That's my epic face for that day..
And so did love. HAHAHAHA!! Hilarious, I love this picture so much now it's my deskstop wallpaper! :P!! HAHAHA!

29th August
Went to my love's place after work at kallang and accompanied her to shopping. Went to eat Big O and I had some 'dirty rice' that cost 15 bucks O_O! 3 pieces of duck meat and fried rice with mushroom. TIO CONNED OR WHAT!! HAHAHA! But the mudpie was good, rum and raisin. hehe. Well, experience > money :D
Waited for crystal to end her work and continued shopping, send her home, then my turn to go home :)
30th August
Same old routine, just that this time, it's damian's birthday. I felt a sense of.. accomplishment you know, when I see him really really happy when people give him presents and have dinner with him. He keep going around telling people how happy is he today, even though a birthday is just another day, but.. you know, that tinge within me, just feel so good :)
But I kinda regret not going to play lan with him. He was kinda sad I guess, but think he'd forget everything once he start the lan session. HAHA!
lets skipp.....
2nd September
Quote ' I feel the same breeze, walk the same route, breathe the same air, and now it's twenty, one step towards adulthood, losing my teen life, as the burden on my shoulders get heavier. '
Took leave today and slept till a good 11am :)
Met my love for dinner at mayim, with alot of gay pictures so I ain't sharing it here. MAYBE SHE MIGHT POST IT AT HER BLOG, so yeah.. -.- HAHA!
Then headed over to take my team, it's kinda depressing to see the numbers, guess it's just the exam period. Haha. But the girls actually turn up, some of em, with a cake to celebrate my birthday. I'm really touched and suprised. Forgive me if I said I'm not, because someone's presence really spoilt it mahhhhh HAHA!
But yes, thanks alot, I never had a birthday suprise, with so many pple celebrating my birthday for so many years. It made me .. felt younger, even though I leveled up O_O!
But training ain't gonna slack cause today's my birthday.
I still gave em trainings that're so tough that they were screaming their asses off just a few hours ago in the gym.
I decided to go coaching, regardless of it's my birthday. Because I'm 20, I should know where my priority is, my responsibility, to train up the team, that's under me. No matter how I try to slip away from work to go down to coach, I'll do it, because fate brought em to me, so I will, and I MUST do my best, to give em the best.
Honestly speaking, not all of em are of A class calibre sportsmen. All of em get injured so easily by all the weights and exercises and some of em, no matter how hard they push, they just can't get it right. Some of em, 'this is not me being mean' is abit slower and repeating the same things over and over again sometimes just can't get into their mind, some of em, no matter how much I motivate em, they just can't show me their firepower and their will to do better and better.
So what, I'm their coach, so no matter how hard things might be for me, no matter how many times they repeat the same mistakes like cannot focus during training, cannot absorb my words, cannot produce out an inner beast, cannot train the way I want em to train..
I will always do my best to lead em, my way.
Remember what I always say to you today, if you guys ever read my blog.. ' people have 3 or more years to prepare, we only have 1-2, the only way? to your LIMITS every training, and when the coach never gives up on you, you do not, NEVER EVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF '
Time to rest, goodnight world, I'm 20 years old WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, TAMADE OLD ALREADY LAH!!
P.S. I really want my team to win, under my coaching, not because of fame, but to earn that feeling of satisfactory.. the feeling that I can lead people to victory, people that come from different places, to become as one, and inscript it into their hearts and minds, that this part of their life, is the most memorable, to me and to them..
P.S.S. I love you SIM YANYI! You really made my day. love you muchmuchdeepdeepmanymany :D
P.S.S.S. I hope my dad will buy for me an Alienware CPU and a new router and upgrade my internet speed and buy me a car once I pass my driving lessons. :P
P.S.S.S.S. Okay I know I'm damn loh soh, IM 20!! Time to be more responsible in everything that I do.
1 comment:
omg seafood platter for 2!! you're making me hungryy :(
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