Shoes, footwear, they're magic.
Owning a pair of shoe, would enable one to step out onto the world, walk the world and acquire many different experiences.
Without shoes, one would be prone to so much dangers whilst exploring the vast unknown.
Help the poor, donate a pair, give them all a chance to climb and know it all.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
I'm saying
Hooked, is all I've to say. Gonna head to school in afew hours. Haven't slept, but meh. Doesn't matter.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Why do humans always come up with a reason, an excuse, just something to protect their actions, so as to protect their image just to justify whatever that they are doing is.. justifiable and that nobody knows them so whatever they judge about them is inaccurate or needless to be heed.
Is that why laws are created, rules are implemented to protect the system from such deceit?
Anyway, your Munich flight..
Take care of yourself.
Enjoy yourself.
Forget about me.
Don't worry, I am fine.
even though I still think about you day and night..
What's worst, I can only dedicate and feel lonely about it.
Haven't slept for more than 24 hours already. Something is just wrong with me.
Is that why laws are created, rules are implemented to protect the system from such deceit?
Anyway, your Munich flight..
Take care of yourself.
Enjoy yourself.
Forget about me.
Don't worry, I am fine.
even though I still think about you day and night..
What's worst, I can only dedicate and feel lonely about it.
Haven't slept for more than 24 hours already. Something is just wrong with me.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
18 days
18 days before the exams.
Damn. Assignments aren't stopping.
Week 12 is next week.
My heart is all fluttery.
I'm still closing my eyes and shadow-tonik to music.
Anyway, just a song for all of you. B)
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Writing, and the pursuit of a woman, like any impossible dream, are not about immediate results. They're about telling the truth.
She has been telling the truth about me all the time but that did not make me give up, because I always had the concept of not giving up. But what destroyed me and made everything into darkness was when she came up with her own truth telling me that everything I've ever done is wrong and that is well observed. That blackened my day and made me give up in every aspect of life.
Yes! I have been clinging non stop.
Yes! I have been checking her every single move.
Yes! That is stalking.
What I've done is obnoxious, selfish and superficial as hell, but I have the balls to do it.
But my point is for you to wait, wait until the chips are down before you move ahead.
Don't just step into the perfect first few months and move along with it!
But whatever you've deemed me wrong, I am going to break them apart bit by bit, cause I am not what you think I am.
What I have been doing may be stalking, but I want to let you people know that borderline stalking, can be charming as well. To be there, at the right place and right moment bringing forth the right feeling and setting up the right ambience for the right girl, that no matter how embarrassing or how wrong that action has to take place, it is the right kind of wrong.
Having you wasn't worth losing you.
My chips were always down to begin with, I was always purely honest with you..
Maybe that's why I got so monotone with you, boring and not someone you look forward to meeting or spending time with.
Next time you ever get into such .. an encounter again, just make sure that the guy isn't in love with you.
Because I am.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Back in my room alone.
Back in my room alone after a long weekend to thrust myself into forgetting whatever that is in my head.
But I am really sorry, because I've walked back into this path once again.
The sadness that I thought I've already got over and got tired of..
Just came back haunting me again.
It is like..
Sorrow that brings forth tear.
A cry that you cannot hold back.
Depression that cannot be controlled.
Numbness throughout your body.
Emotional breakdown within yourself.
Soulful cries that cannot be expressed.
Somber feeling that is unrevealing to people.
My heart just keeps crying to my brain. There is really nothing, nothing I can do already cept posting all these feelings into my very own space.
The more I put a fight against this feeling, the stronger it comes back to me.
I'm not pathetic, nor do I want any of your sympathy.
All I want y'all to know, is that I really loved this girl too much that no matter what I have done, force myself to do, break my principles or even forcing myself to move on, it just ain't working.
That no matter how ruthless I want to be or how cold hearted I can get in doing certain things, doing everything and anything to get the job done..
I just can't do this.
I am sorry, everyone.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
I always beside you when you put me into your heart
Random chicks and events, high and losing my head.
Occupying and blinding oneself.
Does not help much because at the end of the day..
The feeling that you are beside me just because you're ever so deep in my heart.
But you're never there..
Occupying and blinding oneself.
Does not help much because at the end of the day..
even if you ain't in my head temporarily.
This is always in my head.
The feeling that you are beside me just because you're ever so deep in my heart.
But you're never there..
Just read something online
" Sometimes the saddest person, is the person who laughs the most "
... ha.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Friday, May 16, 2014
He who listens.
He who protects.
He who will be there every moment and never come out unless he's really needed.
He who lives in your shadows.
He who loves you, and he who will never be mentioned.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
窗外阴天了 人是无聊了
电话响起了 你要说话了
是你变了 是你变了
灯光熄灭了 音乐静止了
天下起雨了 人是不快乐
电话响起了 你要说话了
是你变了 是你变了
灯光熄灭了 音乐静止了
天下起雨了 人是不快乐
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
To build a new home, firstly, everything that was once there, has to be demolished.
Everything has to start anew, the roots, the foundation of the house itself.
Everything has to start anew, the roots, the foundation of the house itself.
Superfluous Sentimentalism
The flaming dragon has descended on the wavering moon, against the velvet night sky.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Friday, May 09, 2014
Universe, work it out please
All I need is this to not be permanent.
Time to make things settle.
A step back from you to see me in another way.
So we can walk two steps front instead of the other way round.
Don't worry about me, I know most of my problems as I'm full of it, wrong in every aspect.
I will work on it.
That's all I need.
Time to make things settle.
A step back from you to see me in another way.
So we can walk two steps front instead of the other way round.
Don't worry about me, I know most of my problems as I'm full of it, wrong in every aspect.
I will work on it.
That's all I need.
Thursday, May 08, 2014
I hate thoughtcatalog, but meh. this is really what ive been doing O___O!!!
1. He is your number one fan. He is the first one to congratulate you when you passed all your subjects. He makes the layout of your tarpaulin when you were awarded as cum laude. He delivers the news to everyone when you win a certain contest. He may not carry cheerleading pompoms, but you he makes you feel that you are a superstar.
2. Even during your losing moments, he will still be very proud of you. He will cheer you up and tell you you’re still the best even though you failed to achieve an award you were aiming for or got defeated on a competition. Even if you feel like a pathetic loser, he will make you feel like a winner.
3. He does not fail to text and call you. Whether they are “good morning” and “good night” messages, or a regular reminder for you to eat your breakfast, dinner and lunch. Also, he texts/calls you even though he is with his friends. It may not be like your usual exchange of texts or length of conversations, but then he will make it a point to update you about how he is.
4. You seem to have a personal doctor. He knows your health conditions and restrictions. He has also memorized the medicine or whatever you need to take when you feel sick. And when you do, he takes care of you. But even if he is not beside you, you will still feel his care and he will always wish that you get well soon.
5. He hates it whenever you cry. He feels really terrible. He feels like he is the worst guy on the world. And he will do everything just to wipe away the tears on your eyes.
6. A bird? A plane? Superman? No. He is just your guy. He is your unmasked superhero, your angel in disguise. When someone does something wrong to you or terribly hurts your feelings, the bitch mode in him suddenly switches on.
7. He does not get angry with you when you are too busy. He understands well the nature of your work, he cheers you up when you feel so damn tired and when it is possible, he gives you a helping hand to make your tasks easier.
8. Inspiration—he gives you so much of this. Whenever thoughts of giving up on your dream bothers you, just thinking of him will make you want to aspire and strive further.
9. He is your biggest support system. He makes you feel good when you feel so nervous the day before your thesis defense. He gives the comfort you need whenever you feel like the world is against you. He takes you somewhere when you feel bad. No matter how hard the problems you are facing, he will convince you that you are strong enough and you can do it.
10. Religion is never a BIG issue between the two of you. Yes, you may argue about it a little or it may ignite ‘mild’ hard feelings, but then it only comes once in a blue moon. Also, it has never put your relationship at stake because you understand each other.
11. He trusts you and he assures you that you can trust him too. You cannot deny that both of you get jealous at times, but at the end of the day, you still know that you are his only one. No matter how many girls admire him, you are confident that they can never take him away from you.
12. He never gets tired of telling you how much he loves you. He doesn’t just tell you it every day, but every hour if possible.
13. Actions speak louder for him too. He does not just say that he loves you, he shows it. He holds your hand, brushes your hair, massages you, hugs you, kisses you, puts his hand on your shoulder, brings you home, buys you food, and every little thing he can do just to make you feel loved.
14. You do not feel ‘required’ to give him gifts every time it is your monthsary/anniversary. Yes, you really love giving him presents and he appreciates that, but then, if you really cannot, it does not matter with him.
15. He makes you feel beautiful. He tells you how cute you are and how his thoughts about how your new dress suits you perfectly. You may not be the hottest chick in the campus or the one with the prettiest face, but then in his eyes, no one can exceed your loveliness.
16. You feel safe around him. You used to hate going to malls or other places, or going home late at night because you are overly paranoid that there are ‘bad guys’ around. But then, when he is with you, you are carefree and you feel guarded because you know he protects you.
17. You have fights and conflicts every now and then but it has never become unhealthy or toxic for you. You learn to forgive and accept everything about him. And the best thing is that, it makes your relationship grow much stronger.
18. He shares his dreams with you. He tells you if he wants to take up Law or if he wants to enroll at a film school someday. He also lets you know his dream place to live in and the list of the destinations he wants to travel to. Somehow, this makes you feel a part of his future.
19. He believes in forever with you. He wants you to be the girl he will marry when he reaches the age of 24 or 25. He will do everything just to keep you in his life.
20. You become a better person through him. No matter what kind of person you were, you feel like he has brought out all the best in you. He does not change the way you are. You are still the same person as you were when he met you, you have only become more amazing and a whole lot tougher.
21. He effortlessly makes you love him more every day. You are happy and contented with whatever you have as a pair. You know that your relationship has its own flaws and can never be perfect, but who cares anyway? You love each other so much and it is the most important thing for both of you. Also, you can even think of a lot more to add on this list because he is just too awesome for you. (Just as I do, though I only chose the ones that I think are the best.) 

Friday, May 02, 2014
Let it go~ ( don't laugh )
My heart grows tired as I wait on by, Not a reply to be seen.The feeling of isolation,
and it looks like I'm being ditched.
My heart is sinking as I sit and wait on by,
Couldn't keep it in;
(Start to spam your phone)Heaven knows I've tried
Make you angry,
Dont talk to me,
Is a veryyyy painful thing to me.
I try to mend,
But you don't care,
Well.. I still care!!
Let it go, let it go
Don't let the past affect this
Let it go, let it go
Turn on phone and message me!
I will wait
No matter how many days
Let time prove my worth
and it looks like I'm being ditched.
My heart is sinking as I sit and wait on by,
Couldn't keep it in;
(Start to spam your phone)Heaven knows I've tried
Make you angry,
Dont talk to me,
Is a veryyyy painful thing to me.
I try to mend,
But you don't care,
Well.. I still care!!
Let it go, let it go
Don't let the past affect this
Let it go, let it go
Turn on phone and message me!
I will wait
No matter how many days
Let time prove my worth
And hope that my love reaches you anyway.
It's sad that this long distance
Makes everything seems hard
And the fear of losing something
Keeps haunting me and all.
It's time to stop what I always do
Don't test the limits but wait through
No kalz, no her, no life for me,
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the tears and sighs
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Heres my stand
And here I'll say
Let time prove my worth
My patience grows as seconds ticks and ticks on by
But I sit in misery with complex moments as I fuss
And if you forgive me and let the past all slide
I'll never fail again, the past is in the past.
Let it go, let it go
We can love each other once again
It's sad that this long distance
Makes everything seems hard
And the fear of losing something
Keeps haunting me and all.
It's time to stop what I always do
Don't test the limits but wait through
No kalz, no her, no life for me,
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the tears and sighs
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Heres my stand
And here I'll say
Let time prove my worth
My patience grows as seconds ticks and ticks on by
But I sit in misery with complex moments as I fuss
And if you forgive me and let the past all slide
I'll never fail again, the past is in the past.
Let it go, let it go
We can love each other once again
(We can start all over as good friends)
Let it go, let it go
That problem won't come back
Here's my stand
Let it go, let it go
That problem won't come back
Here's my stand
With the vows I've made
Put your faith in this
Lets work this thing out together anyday!
Put your faith in this
Lets work this thing out together anyday!
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