Monday, December 31, 2007
Below, is the stuffs I created, and made a mess out of it..
Above, I want to be a champ, just for once, I wanna carve out something in life.
Something beyond a group of friends' knowing..
something that would make the world roar in honour.
I want to be something that would make everyone be proud of.
Labels : ambition.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Trust me, if you ever read this page...
I only wanted to help, and thats that.
I didn't want to gain anything, maybe I wanted something, just to see you 2 have better relationships and stuffs.
I always told you her smile could keep me up all times, just that smile.
Why would I ever bother to backstab if... if i wanted to help. fuck this shit man.
Labels : maligned.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
This post's bout how christmas eve was spent.
<-- That's beer-replaced-with-green tea cans as you can see.
You know what?! I bought 44 bucks of unneccessary items.
Damn pissed or?
Anyways, the day started off with basketball early morning.
Then I headed home and met zhenwei rod and joseph for gym.
I didn't take down jo's "reach for the star" pose.
Really amusing pose but anws, after that, home and off to beautyworld to spend unneccesary money.
At 530pm sharp, the truck came and, holy shit~ They don't accept nets, only cash!?!!
Luckily our saviours, zhenwei, zhihao and oh jiejie came down with a lump sum of cash and we started our BBQ.
Yes, I was swearing, cause they gave 3 packs of ice, 2 packs of charcoal, utensils plates and everything needed. What the hell, really, I wasted some cash, could've done better if I gave it to charity. "jiang zhen de" aka, seriously.
Joseph and I quarrelled bout how many fire castles we should..
build, yea, build and after 3254236742352 years, as you can see from the pictures, zhenwei is trying damn hard by placing alot of fire starters close together.
Yes, reminding me, zhihao was playing with his meteorites, the burnt fire starters all the while. Made us progress damn slow lah! haha!
Zh joy and zj were slackers, trust me :P
I was photographer, so you can't blame me for not doing much.
Oh ya, we filled the whole area with smoke as you can see zhenwei using the styrofoam board spamming his god strength and fanning the pit really hard. Touched right? Yea, he made the whole pit area really stuffy only haha!
Then ken nick and yx came, the NCC boys saved e day with their uber skills.
Yes, they're uber and some are still slacking and..
Joseph's jumping ard the area like some monkey and zhenwei savouring on his BBQ sauce.
He had a quote of the day, which is "in chinese" [ We can eat good food, go swimming, and oogle at hot babes ]
HAHA! In the end, human-lookalike people came down, disappointed eh?
They drank, and played the game of truth or dare.
I hate being allergy to liquor. Makes me look like some slug after drinking abit. Sigh?
Thinking back, he used to be so nice to me, scooping food for me to feast on, playing my favourite chinese chess game with me.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Because, after you gulp down 2 litres of fresh milk and a 300ml nutrisoy, the tummyache activates and it the "WASTE" forces its way out.
HAHA. Yes, I made it to the toilet bowl and you know, it felt like paradise.
3 days to christmas eve. and my planning somehow cropped up.
It sucks and now I'm so busy with stuffs and yea, stuffs.
Anyways, gym is so core atm that I'm like going to sleep right now, so, goodnight too all!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Forever and ever, babe?
LOL, I completed a 6 months homework in 2days?!
I tested all my work infront of the teacher and everything was successful?!
Some pawnage or
Then then!! I saw the god damn SEA GAMES people earning the medals and
revealing their prowess and defeating their opponent. Woah, see them like
makes me wanna pump harder during training.The fire is like burning within me, I wanna fill myself with another level of
power and BURST, then grow long yellow hair like dragonball!Had some dinner that made me feel like how you stuff an elephant into a hippopotamus<--[wrong spelling?]
And "touchwood"
I ate beef infront of my altar. HEHE, hope I'm still blessed with goodluck ^^.Oh ya, and my poor and torn shoes have to soak in that water that was send from the cracked open sky. I thought I could go home high and dry. Hope none of you caught a cold, cause I didn't get one when I got soak in the rain for 10mins, I mean the 10mins no shelther walk home ;)
and and!! baby mutton's phrase was hilarious : "eh vernon, the player below 23 play until so lousy, you go form a over 60 team and play lah! HHEHEHEHE "
almost made me fall of the chair laughing haha!!
OKOK, have the urge.. to rest! byebye!
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
This post is about a certain person..
whom forgave me even after my wrong doings.
Not mentioning how much each have done for the other..
today, I feel remorse yet happy, cause thick skin is for the win <-- joke only.
She climbed out of the well which I thrown her into. I fell into my own trap and now, she picked me out of it. I thank you, with all my heart.
Seriously, I want to say this a million times or even a trillion times to you, if I ever get the chance.
I'm sorry.
To my once dearest friend, and going to be again and forever...
Berenice Yip Lijun.
Monday, December 03, 2007
2 hours of sleep I had
Woke up at 3 plus and msn till the called-cab arrived
Had some cabonara and a bottle of green tea for breakfast. awesome.
I mean, i paid 16bucks for the cab fare. Yea, woah! awesome. ;D
Then there were morning conflicts cause pple were late and stuffs.
OK forget bout those stuffs.
WOAH, damn excited, was screaming like it was another millenium!
Had a nonsensical start, everyone was cramped up together and yea,
from 7 warriors,
we have 2men down due to stomachache and gastric pains issue.
Another 2 went down due to lagged behind?
Left me and another 2.
I then lagged behind at the 13k mark.
Bloody hell? I saw the 10k mark and ran abit faster and was stopping inbetweens alot due to awaiting and stuffs. Almost lost my chip but lucky someone prompt me to go back and get it
Yea, back to the 10k mark, it was only 5k when i ran 1k.
Ok bullshit! Want to buy more knowledge at times like this.
[extra : There was this husband and wife with tags behind em writing , " My wife made me do this --> " and " <--- LIAR " ] hehe!!
then lets fast forward abit, from 10km mark - 13km, I sprint stop and repeat, cause the momentum? the breathing were not consistent at start already, its the only way I believe.
Walking was the only stuff I did. At 15k, some runner encouraged me to run, so the motivated andy started jogging.
AND WOAH, my legs cramped like no tomorrow.
I hopp-ed to one side almost immediately and stretched. Medics came and show me some funny looking ointment which i rejected HAHAHA.
Kk, so i completed almost 2/5 of the race by walking and trying to slow jog at times. It sucks when your shorts fibre are cutting ur thighs, ankle knee all hurting me and stuffs.
2 cups of 100plus and 1 cup of mineral water was what I had every kiosk, yesyes, water tank, but my body dehydrated, wasn't pespiring after an hour or so, guess I needed the water.
AND WHATS VERY PRO IS THAT, i wore sneakers to jog. ROFL.
Its for the win man, that pair of sneakers 's been with me for like 5 years, guess it should be in such a big event with me :D
haha, yea i know what you're thinking, andy have feelings for non-living things? lalala~ you happy can already.
Got the medal, dropped dead, pee-ed in smelly cubicles that have "waste" on it, really disgusting
Had 2 rounds of breakfast and off to bed from 1-9pm
My leg muscles are still cramping and to mr lim : " This run thrashes ur leg training 3523523423 times :X
[Actually, im quite satisfied with myself, being able to tahan such a long run, haha! I saw adeline,diana and dilis. Small world uh. 1 tuition friend, 1 primary sch mate and 1 working friend]
Had seafood fried rice that cost $6.60 for dinner O_O
Expensive or..
or flex like mAd? ;P
Kk, have training and sch tmr, need to try to sleep by using the method, counting rachels, she said its effective, well, we'll see ;D
Oh ya! I got a new phone again. Please remember to update me your number cause I lost all my contacts, again.
Conclusion for the week -
1) Exercises/trainings : Checked!
2) Eat good food : Checked!
3) Had fun : Checked!
4) Good week? - Yes, got a silver swimming medal and am a 21.1k medalist! Though it was like 2 hours 48mins when I completed it HEHE!!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
An interesting day to begin with..
it began with, no breakfast. What the fuck?
then followed up with no daily income O_O!!!
and then its 3 hours to work when I work up!
Its 1pm!!
Bathe, talk cock with msn friends, played a round of dota and... zzz its 3pm?
Time flies or..
Ok, had a great time at work, met few familiar faces, and yea, accomplished the " Art of closing a counter ".
Balance showed $0.00.
Sia lah, I think im damn pro lah O_O!
Then saw a dwarf at some lanshop in bukit timah after work, couldn't find her 6 friends and now im home, preparing for the race thats inc in 5 hours time.
Regeneration time~
P.S. I ran home, and it fucking feels good, when you feel that you've reached another level, in running. When you feel that you're pumped up and can run faster than usual and sustain longer.
holy shit~ ;)