This post's bout how christmas eve was spent.
<-- That's beer-replaced-with-green tea cans as you can see.
You know what?! I bought 44 bucks of unneccessary items.
Damn pissed or?
Anyways, the day started off with basketball early morning.
Then I headed home and met zhenwei rod and joseph for gym.
I didn't take down jo's "reach for the star" pose.
Really amusing pose but anws, after that, home and off to beautyworld to spend unneccesary money.
At 530pm sharp, the truck came and, holy shit~ They don't accept nets, only cash!?!!
Luckily our saviours, zhenwei, zhihao and oh jiejie came down with a lump sum of cash and we started our BBQ.
Yes, I was swearing, cause they gave 3 packs of ice, 2 packs of charcoal, utensils plates and everything needed. What the hell, really, I wasted some cash, could've done better if I gave it to charity. "jiang zhen de" aka, seriously.
Joseph and I quarrelled bout how many fire castles we should..
build, yea, build and after 3254236742352 years, as you can see from the pictures, zhenwei is trying damn hard by placing alot of fire starters close together.
Yes, reminding me, zhihao was playing with his meteorites, the burnt fire starters all the while. Made us progress damn slow lah! haha!
Zh joy and zj were slackers, trust me :P
I was photographer, so you can't blame me for not doing much.
Oh ya, we filled the whole area with smoke as you can see zhenwei using the styrofoam board spamming his god strength and fanning the pit really hard. Touched right? Yea, he made the whole pit area really stuffy only haha!
Then ken nick and yx came, the NCC boys saved e day with their uber skills.
Yes, they're uber and some are still slacking and..
Joseph's jumping ard the area like some monkey and zhenwei savouring on his BBQ sauce.
He had a quote of the day, which is "in chinese" [ We can eat good food, go swimming, and oogle at hot babes ]
HAHA! In the end, human-lookalike people came down, disappointed eh?
Signature-park's the best condo I've seen till now.
It's bbq pit's in an enclose area and , can't really describe much.
Just feel very good when you're bbq-ing in such a place :)
Thy clock hit 1130, the guardman arrives and orders to leave.
We headed to rodney's house and caught the movie, Saw 4.
True enough, its still gore/horror and stuffs but not as disgusting.
They drank, and played the game of truth or dare.
I hate being allergy to liquor. Makes me look like some slug after drinking abit. Sigh?
Had breakfast, an hour sleep, visited my grand papa, and to work.
Oh, hes my only grandpapa left in the world. He was frail, weak, dependable on machines for survival. I felt a sharp..
I mean, really sharp pain when I saw him suffering so badly.
[I was fuming at first, cause I needed to sleep and my parents were scolding me unfilial for not going to see my grandpapa. Well, I planned the bbq and stuffs and if the host were to leave, some stuffs would obv go wrong, so I got pissed off and argued]
Thinking back, he used to be so nice to me, scooping food for me to feast on, playing my favourite chinese chess game with me.
Thinking back, he used to be so nice to me, scooping food for me to feast on, playing my favourite chinese chess game with me.
Grandma told me that he loves basketball too and played really violent those days. He bled everytime he played. Now I see him on the verge of going away, I feel, sad yet Im happy, cause he completed his life somehow, it might be a good thing to die cause I don't wanna see him suffer though I wanna be with him through one more new year, just one more chinese new year celebration.
Oh ya, the last pic's bout me jo ming and zh. We took picture with a guy with ear pieces stuffed into his ears and blasting music out from the ear piece and his mouth. Yea, hes snoring and we decided to take photo with him!! HAHA!
Hilarious, much fun indeed.
Ok, I'm dead beat and I've to hibernate. Restoring energy for a better day tmr. Good bye folks ;)
Labels : death/life, christmas eve celebration, friends.