This post is dedicated to everyone's that important in my life.
Yes, as alot of you people know already. I'm flying to Canada to study, and I'll be there for 5 years?
I'll be back once every 8months and stay ard singapore for maybe 3-4months?
Life will be totally different.
Different friends, different environment, different ethics, different culture, just different.
But yes, there're still alot of things in singapore which I can't let go just yet, but I've to, for the sake of my future, I've gotta look long time.
From my girlfriend to my dragonboat to my friends to my family and every other single thing.

To my dearest Sim Yanyi. I know, life's been hard for you when you're with me. Especially this period when I'm flying soon to canada to study and you're left all alone in singapore and Long-Distant-Relationship 's really hard to handle. As the day inches closer towards my flight, I get really stressed up bit by bit as the stress level climbs onto me. There's alot of things we can do, places we can go, but I'm just not in the right mood and there isn't enough time. I wanna give you the best yet I'm just not in the right mood for anything. But I want you to know deep inside me, I still love you alot alot. I swear until lightning shoot me I also siam fast fast and continue swearing HAHAHAHAHAHA okay wtf...
Next off is my secondary school clique. We've been, drifting far apart, joining/combining/separating from cliques to cliques. There ain't much picture of us cause we don't really like taking pictures I guess? Feels awkward when we take one hahaha, I think? But yeah, we change organizers, from me to joseph to maybe rodney/zhihao and now its joel doing the SHITWORK hahaha! But yes, well its kinda suprising that we're still hanging on until now. Everyone really have their own stuffs to do and I believe after NS, things will surely change again. But yeah, we gotta move on with our own life don't we. :)