Sunday, February 27, 2011
St Kilda's beach after my favourite subway seafood sensation brunch.
Played rugby frisbee and get to dip myself in australia seas? LOL
Keep hitting the same woman while passing the rugby ball and she was super furious saying : ' ONE MORE TIME AND I'M GONNA HURT SOMEBODY ' LOL
I laughed when she said that, okay actually I only chuckle when I turn my back against her HAHA.
Back home, rest, had dinner with the asian group, the hongkongers, treated this 17 yr old, melody, tim tam. She damn cute lah, like elf like that, wanna put her into my pocket LOL
Then after karaoke hostel party, sang along, chill abit and headed towards the.. BASS LOUNGE.
Bass lounge = underground club in a mall? I think? Not bad though, had quite abit of fun but theres one thing which I want to swear about..
They should seriously learn to hybrid it. Nerds?
K its 6am in the morning. I need to sleep, might have a lunch date tmr. Night people who reads my blog :D
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Bobby Joe Hill : I'll tell you why, ever since i was a kid, i only love one thing, that was playing ball. Do you understand what that's like to have that ball in your hand, it's like, it's like making sweet music with your game, only thing is, you don't wanna hear the song.
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yeap, its a 61 key keyboard. I bought one for myself to bring over to melb and self learn it ^^ Quite cheap and its quite decent as well. Was trying it out at PS just now.
Okay confession time, I'm back in Singapore for people whom reads this. I came back for some reason and for afew days and yes, I didn't bother to tell you guys not because I'm not brother enough but, aiya, afew days only what :S Nothing much to fuss about.
Alright, I'm gonna go pack my bag and prepare for take off later at 11:45pm towards melb once again! Damn, all the travelling hahahaha! AND ALUMBRA TMR! Holy cow, am I excited or what!
Later~ ;D
P.S. I'm really sorry for what happened ytd still. And.. goodluck for your last paper! I guess thats all I can say for now till I'm 'quarantined'. Oh wells.
P.P.S. This time I'll bet it on ' time ', ' patience ' and ' fate '.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
My impatience-ness, 's always the key to destroying everything I've sowed.
But damn, I just want to do it.
My dad missed me so much till he got fever and he was super happy, eating subway with me just now in the morning. I seriously thought he came by for business but he cancelled his business trip just to see me and how I'm doing over here.
Fuck man, and hes leaving tmr, sounding kinda sad and stuffs. I'm tossing in bed, wondrin if I should accompany him back to sg tmr, same flight. My mom scolded me, my dad was esctatic hearing that I'll fly with him. Sigh, I'm caught in the middle?
Once again? Help?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011

When should one stop fighting and accept their own fate?
I've fought really hard for things..
I'm born with deficiency in my eyes when my dream was to..
I was ready for the national team when my knee had to..
But I guess I'm still gonna try for the things I want/like, no matter how much times I'm gonna fail.
Andy fighting?! :D
And I've been playing pingpong all day long, maybe the route to success for me 's actually to become australia's national paddler? LOL
K, need to stop bs-ing and rest. Tmr's the time to tectonik LOL kekezx
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Yesterday was steak and cheese foot long.
Today's subway melt with a routine of sleeping from 9pmSGT - 5amSGT ( +3hrs in melb ), go buy subway, divide into 3 portions, ate a portion and sleep till 1pmSGT. and just! finished the last portion of it at 545pmSGT. ( Okay even I'm confused about what I'm saying -.- )
Whatever it is, I just eat sleep sit eat sleep sit x 135132432523
FUCK MAN , I swear I'm gonna hit the gym and ooze all the fats out!
Just went out with this, level 6 mate, like the best friend I've made throughout this 2 days? LOL
He's from bangladesh and he's studying the same course as me. HEHE, can make use of him to help me with school work whenever I'm stuck LOL
Damn, I feel so xia jian /slaps-myself.
Okay, it's time, I shall go downstairs, to the tv room and try to make new friends haha!
Btw, if I'm not wrong, I'm clubbing tmr? WTFSAGASGASGDASHGDS. Can't believe I'm going to start clubbing already LOL
And I seriously wonder why, those whites like to play pingpong? Theres the pool table and arcade machines around and they'all just hog the ping pong table? Screw em LOL
I promise not to be such an asshole, forgive me my buddha HAHA
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Especially when it comes to the food part. I had like yu sheng, with a piece of sashimi inside, chicken fried rice, bread with butter, biscuit with cheddar cheese. Seriously, feels like a feast O_O
Arrived in Melbourne and waited for 3hours to register myself into the school. Then after I walked ard to buy..
1) Pillow
2) Pillow cover
3) Mattress cover
4) Water cooker
Tonight I'm gonna fucking wet the bed with my body fluids kekekezx :X
Haven't eaten a thing since then but tell you what, its 5pm now, we're 3 hours ahead, I'm gonna crash for abit, cause I haven't slept a wink at all since i board the plane at 10pm. Totally regret, keep watching all the stephen chow movies/play games/andy lau mahjong movie = touchdown at melbourne in a blink blink O_O!
HAHA kk shall be back!
STILL, singapore > melbourne!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull (NEW 2011 FULL SONG)
Okay this song keeps ringing in my head LOL
Damn addictive.