Sunday, July 06, 2008

No one can earn a million dollars honestly.

Many things happened to me recently.
Riverbanks flooding the shore everytime the thoughts were there.
During the 7 years wait, maybe I tried to upgrade in my every aspect , not to the best, but at least to what I can be.
But the 7 years wait turned out to be a foolish wait, as a snake can never love a rat.
Loserfied since early ages, things are always done, to my best extent.

I really tried to be the best circuit board that will fit any component within.
But now the component rejects my status cause it believes it can't function with me.

Lorry to the face, was the first felt.
Katana through the heart, was second.
"King of the hammer" straight at AHEM, third.
Lastly, the feeling stay on like leeches.

-For Fuck Sake-

Anyways, to my recreation coxswian test in about 3 hours time. Had a headache closing up to a fever yesterday, slept at 10 to cure it all.
OH, please come down chinatown to support me in the chicken rice eating competition.
First prize's 2000, so I'm assuming 1000 for second and 500 for third as they said there's 3500 of cash and prizes.

Woah thinking about it, excited already. It's next saturday, 5/6/7 pm.


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