Monday, July 28, 2008

Hope is necessary in every condition

Recently, I went out with my clique superly often. Guess it was really fun to hang out with them once more, after really sucha long time. They and their crap that you can just laugh non-stop.

They've been singing, what if I had a million bucks.

Honestly, if I had a million bucks..
I would..

-use half of it for proper investing for future income/and invest in papa's business also.
-keep 10% for safety purposes

the rest of it would be..
-invite monks from every temple to sit in the mrt and chant for a whole day and lock joy and kaisin inside with me :D
-send 20 geylang chicks for john and jeffery to share hehehe.
-hire 1 instructor to train me to row 20knots a second.

-refurnish* my life, upgrade my computer, buy collectables that I want, rear fishes.
-try out every restaurant in singapore/go overseas with dumdum.
-get a bicycle for easy transportation.
-learn everything that helps me in my future

Today, what kenneth did at his competition was really very daring. Even though it was their firsttime in a competition.
I don't like to tell people things to make em feel better. I only want people to realise how they can do better and the rest depends on emself.

Sometimes, I think my sucha-ass character pisses people off, well, thats just my style.

I feel neglected, somehow.

Maybe its just a temporary feeling, thats why sometimes, having too much spare time and thinking too much is really, infuriating. Don't think, SLEEP.

Labels : neglected