Alright i studied in the afternoon with my primary sch friend. She is..
*lights out*
*lights back*
Huixian! Okay nothing great about her :X
Kk i absorbed some knowledge. I don't feel guilty of not studying. <-- This sentence sounds broken. NEVERMIND lets go to the THRILLING part! ITS ME .. Rod,Joseph,Kenneth,Yongxian,Weiming,Zhihao,Joel,Junxiong and his brother,eddie,joel's cousin. Wah *pants*.. YEAH its mid-autumn festival happy! Zhong qiu jie kuai le. We're celebrating it at the top of bukit batok nature reserve. Haha the stars today are..Rod and Ken! Rod's the firecracker bastard. He has this firecracker that shoots things out and it continues for like 10 times or so?..he pointed it at kenneth. What the hell right. The minute he moved it away,the next "bullet" came out. Then ken wanted revenged at shot rod with another firecracker when he was nature-calling. HAHA rod couldnt pee sia. Hilarious shit! Oh ya that firecracker is like a long tube,ignite its front and it will keep shooting. Something like motar. Yep! Next is Rod's second invention. The THUNDER KING. LEI WANG...

Woah the effect .. its unbelievable lah! Goes off with a BOOM! then it hits the clouds and the whole sky flashes with a thunder-like roar. Damn cool lah. BUT..when everyone was like mesmerized by its effect.. ROD THAT BASTARD put another "thunderking" at our foot. We're damn lucky to escape in time.
Haha ok thats real dangerous. We might just lose out foot if that "flaming ball" hits us.
But thinking about it, without rod's firecrackers,we wont be having so much fun yeah?

Haha head home and now im preparing to sleep. night people out there! Happy mid autumn festival again HEHE.
Wanna join us for mid-autumn festival next year? I promise it would be even better :P!