Another flaw in the human character is that everyone wants to build and no one wants to do maintenance.

Yes, thats what you're thinking at the moment. It my favourite board game, Chinese Chess.
One which brings me memories of many and life learnings. They say, every move you do, will show you human character and how one would react during real life situations. When you're cornered, attacking, provoked and losing sight of what's actually happening. Chinese Chess to me, taught me to how to access situation, and deal with things right. But of course, I guess I'm only good at using such RULES on the table with the chess board, still not bright enough to apply it in real life uh? :P
Anyways, I prefer this to english chess, maybe its due to influence thus I never really liked english chess. Cheers for the fella whom created this game :D
And I have a quote for people inventing stuffs :
" We are more ready to try the untried when what we do is inconsequential. Hence the fact that many inventions had their birth as toys "
hehe. coolness yea? :)
What's next on this blog.Its just random but here goes..
J : How do you train up ur running?
A : Running.
I've been sick for awhile now. I've seen my colleagues in DB training super hard, telling me today's training's super duper tough. Wednesday's training too was super tough and I missed em both. Fuck, now I'm 2 trainings behind time and how am I gonna chase up :/
Andy : how can I train harder so I can reach back to the pace they're at?
Inner self : train harder.
Guess thats the only way uh?
Brain congested with thoughts, I'm out.
Labels : Chinese chess, life routes, hardwork, benefits.