Tuesday, September 30, 2008

you trust the wrong man, you get the wrong outcome.

He whom says he don't really care, will suffer the wrath of his own doings.
He whom betrays, will get betrayed.
He whom, trusted "HIM", will learn from his mistakes.
He whom felt foolish, will learn to forgive and forget.
He whom is so childish and have no responsiblity in life, will get no fruit, or he will, a rotten fruit this life.

Yes sup yo, thats my brother, the breakdance kid yo! He really fuckingly, suprised me when he did those moves. From an idiot that plays dota, goes school, have band CCA, dont like sports..

He started doing all these crap infront of me, okay, not crap but, cool moves, expected from the asshole's brother yeah. Fly higher, brother!

I'm gonna start learning from him from today, totally awesome, TOTALLY~

Labels : betrayal/breakdance/brother.