Super like.. SHARK ATTACK RIGHT. Even I see already I also scare sia. Like?!?! ANDY YOU SURE UR TEETH WAS.. SO SCARY?!? or.. IS THAT.. A lion's jaw? HAHAHA
And how was my day? Today, I had a really great time at sentosa, with chunyew, the roughest bball player. Trust me, he noob until he thought hes doing it right and bodyslam,chokeslam, whatever slam, just to stop you. Monster or ??
Then we have wangjie and zhenwei, master of the great wall of super big gulp. HAHAHA, they build like turban, i think got 50-70 of those icons. Super hardcore, I like, gave up and just.. sit down and watch.
Last but not least, we have kengsiang and yan an, the sandmen, they fill up the cup with sand and transfer to our.. final-product-managers. So their effort weren't in vain.
Headed down to basketball and NUS then dinner then home, then like spend 40 over bucks on cab like dont know why? HAHAHA and now my vision is shaking like mad.
Whenever I have not enough sleep, this happens, plus that stupid runny nose which isn't, here at the moment.
Wah, its really shaking like mad, I should head to bed, like.. NOW?
HAHA NIGHTS EVERYONE, today's a great day :D
P.S. If proof were like brought out, chaos would happen, and things will never be solved. But you jolly well know you did it and you know your responsibility, and your fucked up life. Go ahead and act one nothing happen, goodluck in life I must say, you need alot of that
Labels : Alumni/Sentosa/Bball/Stupid people.