Monday, October 27, 2008
Sometimes don't you find it weird, intruding so much into a person's life, and claim that its out of concern and everything nice. But that person will **** you back and you'll be like, I really had no other motive besides hoping that you'll be a happy person and stay safe.
Sometimes you want to know how important you actually are to that person, yet at the same time you know you won't get any definite answer and you get vexed over it and ends up categorized as 'sensitive lah you'.
Sometimes you just hope things will go by your way but things just falls, out of place. You try so hard but end up in that really deep abyss, screaming out your lungs, clenching your fist, grit your teeth and in your mind, you're just pissed off with, " why the fuck did I lose it, why did I even attempt such a stupid one ".
I went for pool session with kengsiang/ah yao/ah ben, these are the familiar pple and 2 guys and a girl.
Okay, its been ages since I last touch the cue, and seriously, I played like cock sia. But really, they damn pro and I got owned like ASGHASDHAFAS, totally no comments on my own tard skills. Had supper together at timah's al ameen and now I'm home, on the verge of crashing really hard on the bed and have a goodnight rest.
Before that, I had sea training with e buggers. Nothing much left to say, just perfect your strokes and you're perfect I guess? HAHAHA :D PIA AH ALUMNI, dont throw aku face like away you know.
Sometimes! You wanna ask if, she is treating you nicely, because she don't want to break your heart? Or because you treat her too well and she wants to repay you back thats why shes doing it, cause her concept is, "its only fair". Other than that, you're always secondary to her priorities cause you're really a nobody.
Sometimes you just have too much to ask and you keep yakking on non stop, and thinking non stop, clouding all of your clear/straightforward thoughts, and sometimes, when you ask a certain kind of question, just a " yes, I do " from the opposite party will cure that million questions/thoughts.
will I ever succeed to fit into your realm, I wonder.
Tmr 9pm into camp again. Oh wells, I'm ready to rumble, anytime :D
I love lorry rides, when you sit behind and feel the chill as the lorry goes 90km/h on the expressway at 1am. Seriously, the after effect, the numbness on the face and the sudden strike of warmth, really kinda sensational in some way. HAHAHA
Labels : thoughts
Sunday, October 26, 2008
This time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing.
I'll know it by the feeling.
The moment when we´re meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holdin’ my breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when I find the one that I'll spend forever with
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There`s gotta be somebody for me like that.
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Somebody else that feels the same somewhere.
There's gotta be somebody for me out there.
Tonight out on the street out in the moonlight
And damn it this feels too right
It's just like Déjà Vu
Me standin' here with you
So I'll be holdin'my breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when I find the one that I spend forever with?
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There´s gotta be somebody for me like that.
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there.
You can't give up!
When you're lookin' for a diamond in the rough
Because you never know when it shows up
Make sure you're holdin' on
Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There has gotta be somebody for me
Nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there.
Nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There has gotta be somebody for me out there.
Man, i miss my god damn hair. Yesterday I talked non stop for an hour plus, while eating, I rather keep talking than care whether my food gets cold. And thats for a firsttime. Haha, normally, I'll eat till I finish before I start talking.
Yesterday I settled something that pains me till yesterday. I showed a very bad side of me. But I really need to release all the shit inside. And I guess I've done it. Getting over it may seem abit tough but.. I'll do it somehow :)
and to make this bitch proud, she indirectly, intro-ed me Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody. Please listen to this damn song, its like DAMNNNNNNNNN nice lah bloody hell. I also repeat non stop, but i repeat for like 1 whole day, whereas she repeat only like half hour. HAHAHA.
and fkfkfkfk, yesterday got avenged sevenfold concert at singapore expo. And my bro gave me jaychou's new album, so im like.. i feel updated? so im happy? HAHAHA
Then next Funeral For A Friend's new album's also really damn nice. Nick, so much for saying I won't like one. My taste like good also one lor.
AND AND!! *catches breath* Wah, this week's manga really damn awesome, I fucking can't wait for next week's upload hahaha!
For now, I just wish to be a happy man, tmr please, I want a full boat for training. Then I sumpa I'll chiong for morning's seahawk and work super hard for alumni and train out a super team. Do me proud please alumni, you cheebyes work hard, we'll reap what we sow :D
Oh cmon, life's just a bet isn't it :D
P.S. - I realised, that I get physically hyper in the noon and close to evening, but after that, i get super hyper, my mouth gets super hyper in the night and midnight. HAHA what a weird person HUH?! Haha, later~ :)
Labels : obstacles/friends/life.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
First, you'll meet "Loss", then further on in your path, you'll meet "Regret".
After meeting this 2 person, "Cherish" will come into your life and you'll enlighten.
It's been long since I last blogged. Felt like 2 years even though I was in camp for only like 2 weeks. Life's inside is tough but really fun. I can already feel the changes within me, about how one should react in real life from the teachings from inside.
People say its a waste of time, whereas I think I'm lucky to be born in singapore to make full use of this 2 years, to become a real person.
I suddenly have this rush within me, to write out some thoughts within me.
Be positive, I'm still young, I still have lotsa time to spend,
even though, 1 year of my life is taken away every 2nd september. So I musn't waste my life away. I'll do things to the fullest, my own way of feeling that maximum satisfactory.
Doing the same things today, with this kind of result..
does not mean that..
doing the same things tomorrow, will be the same result.
Perserverance will bring you somewhere. Somewhere you deserve to be.
I just booked out like yesterday evening and slept till like 12pm today. I'm so not gonna waste my weekend like this man!
Tomorrow's master series/training and back into camp.
Looks like I've to enjoy today to the fullest somehow :D
First stop, basketball. -out- :)
I really miss, my friends outside and.
Labels : thoughts/cherish/satisfactory.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
It's 6.09 am, like 2 hours 21mins more and I'll get my ass into police academy.
I'm like nervous x excited x curious bout this whole new chapter of my life.
People I'm gonna meet, more nonsense we're gonna talk about and bonding.
I'll start learning bout 10pm-5am, I'll start learning bout you and me, I'll bring out that, more matured me within me.
I'll learn new things and evolve I guess?
Just don't evolve till too handsome I guess? LOLOL!
KK, I swear Im nervous, joking to calm myself like, down.
So not myself, but aku gonna like adapt damn fast, then my life wouldn't be so hardup inside :D
to that most stupid yet "quite clever" idiot, I'll like HAHA you like crazy.
HAHAHAHA! Get lost. :P
Okay, time to prepare and.. time will tell. :)
Labels : National service.
I think today wouldn't be a happy day.
I feel like just sitting down at home and cancel the outing, god knows why.
but guess I'll just have to activate that self high within me and have a last good dinner.
Oh wells, just let things come naturally alright.
I'll miss you damn badly, but it doesn't makes a difference I guess.
Labels : bad intuition.
Monday, October 06, 2008
I rub it so hard till it told me to say whatever I wished..
I wish..
That Me my friends and my family, will always be healthy throughout their entire life.
Open whatever swimming pool/billard room/jamming studio/painting house/DIY kitchen and whatever nonsense you want also have.
I will have a successful career and earn lotsa money for future needs.
Own a big house and have whatever animals I want and maids/servants to help me take care of my house and family. Honest ones though.
Have my very own instructors to teach me whatever I wanna learn even though the process is hard and it takes time to learn.
Have a really cool car to drive my loved one around even though I still haven't got my license yet. [ HEY I STEPPED INTO BBDC ALREADY THO ]
Have a really great smooth sailing life ahead.
Have a woman whom truly loves me and vice versa.
Side wishes? for now.
You could come by and send me to camp on my first day.
A positive reply when I ask if you haha me.
You could spend time with me often.
Haha I wish i wish i wish..
Labels : wishes.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Super like.. SHARK ATTACK RIGHT. Even I see already I also scare sia. Like?!?! ANDY YOU SURE UR TEETH WAS.. SO SCARY?!? or.. IS THAT.. A lion's jaw? HAHAHA
And how was my day? Today, I had a really great time at sentosa, with chunyew, the roughest bball player. Trust me, he noob until he thought hes doing it right and bodyslam,chokeslam, whatever slam, just to stop you. Monster or ??
Then we have wangjie and zhenwei, master of the great wall of super big gulp. HAHAHA, they build like turban, i think got 50-70 of those icons. Super hardcore, I like, gave up and just.. sit down and watch.
Last but not least, we have kengsiang and yan an, the sandmen, they fill up the cup with sand and transfer to our.. final-product-managers. So their effort weren't in vain.
Headed down to basketball and NUS then dinner then home, then like spend 40 over bucks on cab like dont know why? HAHAHA and now my vision is shaking like mad.
Whenever I have not enough sleep, this happens, plus that stupid runny nose which isn't, here at the moment.
Wah, its really shaking like mad, I should head to bed, like.. NOW?
HAHA NIGHTS EVERYONE, today's a great day :D
P.S. If proof were like brought out, chaos would happen, and things will never be solved. But you jolly well know you did it and you know your responsibility, and your fucked up life. Go ahead and act one nothing happen, goodluck in life I must say, you need alot of that
Labels : Alumni/Sentosa/Bball/Stupid people.