This is a memory, a feeling, an incident that happened to me..
Few years down the road, viewing back this blog, this particular post, would give me the heartaches and laughter of stuffs that I could do for a special somebody..
Saw the lights? They're covered by black vanguard[ if thats how you spell it ] sheet. I injured my left toe while jumping lol!
Smart people would've brought a stool or something.
Stick tape on 4 sides and wah, starting damn tough.. It keeps dropping or if not its the wrong position. Jump for half an hour before these 2 @#$%^&* went up.
Then some things cropped up like her parents saw me. I was stupid and told it all honestly :/
Andy = stupid.. ANYWAYS!!.. they didn't stop me haha.
So continue with work, darn strong wind at that level, had sucha hard time sticking those words, "MERRY XMAS!"

This is the special someone..
Whom came up when I wasn't ready :/
The wind just keep blowing lah ASFDASFASF!!
Well.. things happened..
A head-shake cum a smile was given..
I wonder what that means.. Don't know? or No?
Took it as a No..
Begin to clear up the stuffs as she went away.. Glad that she initiated a bye ..regardless what she was thinking..
Ah shit, forget to take that photo of burning wax on my whole hand. It hurts like "ouch" but IM A MAN,man! Haha theres still wax in my nails!
[No Venture, No Gain yea?]
Just a few months and i earned..
A memory thats worth being inscripted on my heart..
Now and forever..
Eternally, I never forget..

I lead a hero's life..
I am your curse..
You won't like me when I reveal myself..
Bloodshed will be seen..
Cause its MysticAndy ;P
P.s. Dudes, I'm fine.. maybe the occasionally heartache and thoughts of..
But hey life's gotta go on.
Till then, I have a quest to fulfill..