If you guys ever wonder who this "shit" is..
Its the one and only..
girl whom help me with blogger and thus..
I'm gonna post about her today ;DD
See this?!

Yes, if you're ever wondering..
whose ellis -"les baby"<-- [she help me update my profile @#$%^&* one] <-- yes thats her..
HAHA and I purposely took the ugliest..
Gold-fish like
AHH she was such an UGLY before AHAHAH :XXX

Look at how much she transform..
that highlights my post's title today..
Ellis, now I'm really confident..
That guys will start liking you..
If it was lasttime,
Guess you will scare all the guys away AHAHA :X
So, congrats..
on your evolution
From shit..
To pretty shit ;D
Well done ellis, I'm proud of you m(_ _)m! Tralalalassss~~
p.s. 10 years down the road, if you were to come back to this post..
I bet you will be Laughing your ass off HAHA!

AHAHAHA holy, remember the times when we go into the G.O.
and see that picture.. with Mrs.Lim and another guy shaking hands..
With her overwhelming lipstick all over her mouth..
and that greedy freak [ mrs.lim ]..
always telling us to donate money for some unneccessary things
then buy some dress that reveals so much of her flesh..
with the meat bulging out
and still..
shes smiling so hard..
cause only she thinks shes beautiful that night. HAHAHAHA..
Woots.. Thanks to ellis to take this photo, ignoring the guy beside her :P
Time to go!
Photo sponsored by : Ellis *** ** **
Hehe Good Day~!