Peasant : Ready to work, sir. >:)
We met up, after weeks of individuals busy with their own stuffs..
Haha it was still fun even though we just went for a meal..
I really missed the time everyone was like cocking 24/7.
Well, believe when its hols, we'll meet up and have fun like school days .. again!!
With his " You wear my shoe lah! " LOL!
Joseph's a hottie that girls will swarm around him
Joseph's a hottie that girls will swarm around him
and due to his charm..
Haha girls will smile/say hi/giggle when they walk pass him..
Guess he will win the second " joke of the year " medal with his new phrase LOL.. we'll see..
NEXT!! we have..
Aka the Godexterminatorcumpeacebringer [ WOAH! ]
Hes also a good singer .. really! :) Pro Vocalist SIAK!!
A guy whoms UNREASONABLE to me..
Can't beat him in arguing..
And his thrash talk, talk cock, @#$%^&* .. tok you flat flat! LOL.
Nick's also a pro gamer, you might want to challenge him in games..
Hes also a good singer .. really! :) Pro Vocalist SIAK!!
A guy whoms UNREASONABLE to me..
Can't beat him in arguing..
And his thrash talk, talk cock, @#$%^&* .. tok you flat flat! LOL.
Nick's also a pro gamer, you might want to challenge him in games..
But never try to talk reason with him, you never win .. and when he counterattacks .. seeya at 18th hell ;D
Following up!! ..
Its Rodney Tan Chiah Chek!
You can call him DareDevil too ;)
Following up!! ..

You can call him DareDevil too ;)
Hes the Mr. Outgoing..
The unexpected
I dare to say, without rodney, the clique won't be as fun as it is. The firecrackers, the blasting of music at his house. The wiping mud on pple's windscreen cause accidentally step on mud.. ahahaa! and many more.. [ask me :)]
With comments that can make you laugh and jump till seventh heaven..
and hmm..
a steady person. Well, haven't seen him for a long time, guess hes busy with work..and stuffs..
Oh well, Mr. Fit-zai, do mix with us soon yea?! :)
Coming up!!..
Hes our clique's artist?!
His drawings and graffitti
are WOAH man!
Well, talented in drawing and spraying.
His drawings and graffitti
are WOAH man!
Well, talented in drawing and spraying.
You could ask him to design some stuffs for you..
Believe you won't be disappointed haha!
Hes too another busy fella.
Well, lets meet up sometime during the hols!
Okay?! :D
well, what can I say about him?!
Hes Mr.anything.
and its true.. cause whenever you ask him something, he would reply you..
suibian lor, anything one.
A best friend to go out with.. seriously!! Breakfastlunchteabreakdinnersupper.. all ALSO CAN HAHA
Right..Mr. 46.. i mean.. 300 +++ ?! hahaha!
Ahaha! Another guy whoms steady bom pee pee.
Bets soccer like free one. $$ alot only..
Oh ya! Hes also a clean person..
and get cramps very easily.. :X
Oh ya.. and the songs he listens are awesome ;D
Remember lasttime quarrel with him then never talk le..
At least now we're getting on better terms.. ahh.. feels like YAY!
Last but not least..

Its Tham Zhihao..
aka Humcheehao/bullshitking..
With a record of say 10 things.. 11 things are fake..
Hor s-iiFux?! ^^
And not leaving out..
His FOREVER-BEING-HIMSELF attitude. The king of being late?! haha. You got the title "KING" for 3 aspects!
Kans! I don't even have one LOL!
Joy Ng Xue Qi!
A very kiang girl.. whoms top student..
[zh's dog :X]
The more you don't want me to put you in this blog..
the more I will :P
Hehe, Joy 's believe to be a more ..
closer girl to our clique? guess so..
Well, shes a happy girl, always..
Hmm, had never seen her sad before.. so..
yea! shes just happy happy and happy :) stay happy? HAHA
Well, I hope that during the hols, everyone would take out some time and lets have an outing every week or something?? XD
All these friend really make up a big part of my life.
Without em, I think I wouldn't be what I am today?! Haha, and am proud to have them as my friends.
Die die also will cherish em alot HEHE!
Finally finish blogging.. PHEW~~~~~
Peasant : Jobs done ;D!