Monday, November 19, 2007

Wash my hands off you. I'm getting on with my life.


Paging to all SAW fans.

Andy might get hold of the saw 4 DVD and will host a venue for pple to watch.
Anyone is invited, if rodney doesnt minds? :D

Saw is a horror/gore movie. Saw 4 is R21.
So if you hate gore stuffs, please you're obliged to not come.
But its something you musn't miss, YOU KNOW, its SAW V!!!!


Okay, admits I'm a lil high over the movie. Well, I missed Saw III.
That sucks you know :(

Anyways, lan gaming till 5am yesterday. Had breakfast and went home to sleep.
Sorry for oversleeping, was sposed to meet my friends for bballing at 930am.

Lan gaming is so unhealthy, makes me so lethargic and thus.. i slept till 4pm today O_O?

Today's a rotting day for me. Feel like I've slacked too much. Tomorrow's gym will pump me up once again I guess.

I'm out~

Send me a text or something if you're interested in watching SAW. I'll give u e details. Ellis not included. :D