Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
you can't find someone to appreciate your whatever you wanna show off.
you will find another to let him/her notice it.
you chance upon a particular person.
you let him/her blend into that interest you have.
Then you piss another one off.
Then things will become so dark.
Lies cover one after another.
Is it wrong to be truthful sometimes.
My whole life I've been entertaining people.
And now i just got fucked entertaining another.
fucking hell, I shall take a day to calm myself I guess.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Fishing's been my new hobby nowadays. It gives me a thrill, not a cheap thrill but a thrill thats always carved within me whenever I see the tip of the rod shake or even a big pull. But it dies down if the fish didn't get onto the hook but oh wells, theres always another chance.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Occupation : Pro-gamer.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Met love at Vivo with her stuck at Macs doing something secretive, so.. I also went to do something secretive, it's kinda last minute, getting her a card/coach :P/and what she wanted afew weeks back, don't know whether if she was prompting me for that sunflower, but yeah, I got it hahaha!!

It's me and love's day out after work/school. Oh oh, I forgot, happy second anniversary to my love :) [ sorry man, the post's kinda late, like .. 5days? O_O! ] Haha!! Now now, lets take a look at the first epic pictures of the skillful photographer, andy low guo hao! Yesyes, that face look damn yau gwee right, eat only :X HAHAHA!

Dine over at sushi tei, the noodles suck, the udon's okay? the tempura's nice! the chawanmushi's better, but of course, we must never forget that!!! THAT CLAM!! Hotate 's the best right love? *winkwink* :P

[I hope you love the presents and enjoyed your day dumdum :)]

But that noob actually drawed with me 2-2!! Pro or what ^_^ HAHAHA!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Yes, SIM YANYI, No.26, pro basketballer, very violent also O_O. why? cause she like to throw ball at me, her coach, at my right knee summore!! O_O!
AIYO! Tell you how many trillion times already, shoot ball that time, the hands with the fingers, just press down only, why.. what is that finger work over there, very fail you know O_O
And you know what ladies and gentlemen? she gave me an excuse going : cause dancing that time my fingers must always like that. AYE AH BANG LA DEY, WE BASKETBALL EU KNOWSXZX? NO DANCE DANCE LA NAAAAAABEHHHHHHH HAHAHAHA!!
OKAYOKAY lets cut short shall we? We'll end her basketball training with this last photo right below us *winks winks* The worst shot of the day, jump with 1 leg, land with 1 leg, dunno why the other leg must shootup? then the finger-work.. SIGHHHH NEXT~! HAHAHA!
the coach and the student, both very satisfied after the training, me satisfied with her excuses and she satisfied cause she thought she can use her dance excuse to cover cover for her very ' Beautiful finger-work-while-releasing-the-ball ' technique!
LOLOLOL :X okay.. enough of bullying this fella O_O.
Oh wait, I'm not done yet. I have this friend, named pak. He played basketball with me since.. I think 3-4 years back I guess. Just came back from dunno which country after furthering his studies elsewhere.. yeah..He just became my girl's new bestfriend? O_O HAHAHAHAHAHA :X:X
He is the guy whithout the top and like slanting backwards one. Yan's new bestfriend KEKEKZXZ
GOODNIGHT, tmr got work and please please, forgive me for my broken english, I don't feel like talking... properly today :P
Saturday, July 18, 2009

yes yes, very painful when he put on the spot that accidentally triggers the nerve or something that sends a flow of shock and burn throughout your whole body.

Maybe this is why, I am so 'crazy' at times, bye bye liquor, I am self-high :P

I pity em, not that they can't stand up proper.. but how can they face reality in the outside world. Maybe they can survive with that ??/hr but I guess they're forever worth that amount.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
First of all, fuck my laziness and over confidence, make me fail my FTT evaluation only.
But it helped me reminisince my past when i headed over to CDANS for lunch.
Remembering the time when I was fat and chubby and learning swimming survivor course from my instructor, gary with 2 lifeguards over there, one's called the facial man and other, looks very robust to me since I was young. Everytime after training I will go to eat my favourite chicken wing, definitely, and fish fillet and go into the airconidition-ed play ground and play with my cousins. We'll do that until my brother and my cousin's sisters finish their trainings then head off for zhi char, it's a every sunday routine.
Just now when I went back, I din't see gary, but I saw the robust lifeguard, he stared at me for awhile then i said ' hello hello '
HAHA , he actually remembered me somehow, you know how long I haven't been there? 6 years, damn it sure is a long long time ago. We chatted for awhile then my meal came. Taste like 6 years ago I'd say. Then I bought a fillet haha! After that I went to find the facial lifeguard, haha! He too remembered me, saying, ' you're the fat fat chubby chubby guy always with your other partner one right! ' haha but..
he ask another questions really fast .. *takes off his shades* ' I old already right '.
Damn, 6 years and he really age alot alot man... time really flies huh.
Remember thats when I started learning swimming, and started my vuglarities. I scolded fuck daringly, thought it was damn bloody cool and guess what, gary heard it me. He asked me to stand on top of the stand where those competitive swimmers stand to get ready, but I had to stand straight and cross my arms and pull my ears. No more swimming lesson for me. Felt damn paiseh, but I guess thats where I develop my super thick skin :P
I also remember he always flirt with all the aunties. I hated him for that you know.. but at the same time, inspired to be a lifeguard from him. Cause he always look really cool, wait, I mean, a man whom can glide among water, survive on the water, independent .. 's a cool man :D
Maybe thats where I developed my seasports fetish and now.. I was ITE west's swimming team, winning 2 silver and 1 bronze, and currently a dragonboat lifeguard.
Damn.. what memories, time really flies uh. hahaha!! So nostalgic!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Guys and girls from CW..
From those whom's leaving the team..
To those who're staying to build up the team still.
I, as a 2 month old coach, am really proud of all you.
From the girls, sacrificing their every bit and mince of energy to drive out all that they have..
from newbies as they joined in mid april or was it late april?
from joining as a sport and never knowing that this sport is so competitive..
To what I'm proud of, the bloodline of ' never give up, push it all out '.
As for the guys, I seriously am proud of you guys, I never knew your strength and determination was there. Seriously, your boat flew at the start and was leading straight for almost 500m?
Additionally, I gave you all a new kind of starts that I seriously/honestly, planned it out last minute. You guys actually did quite well with zairong, a coxswian that never rowed since i dont know when and don, puny fella but still gave his very best.
Seriously, <-- I know I've been using this word like alot of times but.. I am proud, very.
And if you don't mind, lets start chapter 2 of our life, our next aim, regatta, together, our new journey begins, our new story unfold :)
This may suck but , I still think I'm not that good as a coach so..
I promise I'll do better as a coach, promised.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

From the old people's stubborn mindset to the lack of drive.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Stopping when one feels the danger of getting into a further danger, makes me more confident of allowing more, more freedom, more.
Thats one of it.
And the other?
Lets just phrase it this way, honesty and trust 's involved.
Thus, I'm a happy boy :D
Cmon CW, work harder, race's coming YOOOOOOO!!!!
P.S. stupid weather, makes me have dry throat, painful when swallow, bad cough, phlegm! Please go away all of you, illness-es!!!
Monday, June 01, 2009
I would've, because its called true love, and those who oppose my thoughts are deemed shallow.
Because they just don't understand the concept, of love.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Even since I went into NS, I've been thinking of what are the prospect of my career in the future.
I had afew ambitions, which were all destroyed thank to ' you know what '
I have alot of things I cannot just be cruel and let go of it, some of it took years to build up even.
Yesterday night I talked to my dad about it, he gave me a new route towards my future.
Should I take it up or not 's up to me and that decision will affect my future already.
But one thing for sure, during this part of my life, I've learnt something. I've learnt that one, must be hard hearted sometimes and most importantly, to never reveal that vulnerable side of one. It makes you feel so empty and retarded, 'naked' even.
I really want a good life ahead for my family in the future, especially a beautiful house and a above average lifestyle. Just that this route opened for me from my dad 's really gonna be a stressful one.
I'm afraid,
afraid that I can't take the stress.
afraid that I'll screw up his 20-30years business.
afraid that I will not have a happy family cause my dad's business is really close to 24/7 at the factory and keep flying overseas to work.
afraid that if I really pick this route, I'll lose that 'monkey' due to time overspent on career cause of imbalanced lifestyle because a guy.. have to really carve out a stable career before working on the rest of his life.
and afraid.. that whether she's ready for me or not, elaboration's not needed i guess.
Because, I've already screwed up umpteen times in life, I know, setbacks are there for you to make you stronger and blah, but, I had enough of all these, I just want one thing, perfect smooth sailing in life, no more big screw ups that can just throw away my entire faith and hope and make me feel so helpless again like before.
Fuck, now theres a sudden surge within me, I WANNA DO MY THINGS WELL!
Monday, May 11, 2009
It hurts when I apply abit more pressure on it. ( the knee )
It hurts when try to jog. ( the knee )
It hurts when I see myself in the mirror..
thanks to the knee..
I cannot exercise and I'm growing fat, LORRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
things like :
1) my future
2) what job interests me
3) where do I want to study
4) got girlfriend or not ( OKAY, OPTIONAL OR WAD )
5) coping friendship
But I guess, what I need to focus on is my team right now.
As a coach, I think I really should go all out and train em, regardless if I lose my voice or even break my leg again ( CHOY AH, ENOUGH SUFFERING ALREADY LOR ).
Guess I'm not gonna blog much today. CW KEEYA! :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tsk, Idk why, but the ending is really touching or O_O
then recently i see susan boyle's video. Wah her voice alot of feel one sia. I know im being damn singlish now. HAHA! But really, her voice's awesome, touched also O_O
And I have a new responsibility. FUCK IM SO GONNA DO IT WELL!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
You try to give it a go, but then you found out actually that fire was a mistake.
Do you hesitate or would you rather help em to get together.
Sometimes, I think I'm kinda lucky to not be able to drink.
At least I won't get drunk and spout out all the things I want to say out, all the feelings and ya. HAHA kk sleeping time O_O!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thunder and lightning coming time and time again.
This is the damn fucking weather, that I can never forget when I was a coxswian on the dragonboat 3 years back. Maybe that time that weather was abit more jialat, but this is comparable.
I still remember tt time, I commanded a boat of 20 and mr lim. Everyone was seeking for shelther but listening to commands. Everyone pushed really hard to hurry for shelther. Every second counts, every lightning's dangerous, every thunder make our heart beat go faster and faster. Our safety was priority but panic won't bring us anywhere.
It's this feeling, that I've to blog it down. Its that feeling, that experience, priceless.
And now at home, this weather I've been pending for, with no one at home, turning on my music loud, hearing the instruments blend with each other as if they're commanding the weather. It's like the music blended with nature.
Holy fuck, i tell u this feeling is super power!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
He drove me home yesterday and we almost crashed, a car cut from lane 1 to lane 3.
Like its his damn bloody road and my teacher also another one, speed 140 and still accelerating, last min brake and hit abit of that guy's car but swerve to the side metal fence and the fibre kinda ripped off.
HARDCORE OR WAD O_O!!!!!!!! \m/
Friday, April 03, 2009
Hilarious, kk back to my drama, D.I.E !! Sonija kwok, is pretty pretty pretty hot hot hot! O_O!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sometimes, if my life's like that, full of laughter and stupidity, lame and crap, would really be much better off than worrying this and that. Worrying bout people I'll lose, people that really care for me, and people that say ' I'll treat u the same way u treat me ' and they end up treating u like a spare .. tyre.
And so heng, today i met teacher-sandy wong, sec sch friend-minhui, primary school head prefect/chiobu-diane. lucky or wad!
hmmmm.. oh wells, tmr sea training, 8 9 10 AH!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
I have never thought bout the opposite party feelings.
I know its really stupid to not realise, actually, to love the other, just seeing her happy would be more than enough. To be with her, is a bonus.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
To my dear friend,
Remember once you told me,
'I think after dragonboat and ITE life we won't be friends anymore already'
Remember we 3 always gether eat sushi, play lan, dragonboating.
Remember my irritating ' nickelback - rockstar ' sms ringtone?
Remember your singing.
Remember the first day you told me bout ITE simei's dragonboat trainings,
And remember I came to you when you and him wanted to go join soccer, to pull you to stay in the team.
But after it appear, conflicts between us just appear and now, I think your sentence.. came true.
'I think after dragonboat and ITE life, we won't be friends anymore already'
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
And especially when MY emotions are so fake HEHE :X
okay, time for checklist :
1) Bathed, check.
2) Cool down already, check.
3) Tired, check.
4) Still craving for poker, check.
5) Tired??!?!? , double check.
K nights, I have night shift tmr, better rest well :D!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Today is referring to 11/2/09.
Today is referring to 930pm - 1030pm
Today I tried to fulfill my final wish.
Today that lil wish is fulfilled.
Today I should be contented.
Today I walk off with no hesitation, but alot of regrets.
Today I think I did the right thing.
Today might be the lasttime I get to see you.
After today, I don't know when will I be able to go to that mall, stand and wait, ride the same bus, walk till that usual spot with you anymore.
So today, I think, I am contented to a certain extent.
And may that contented feeling stay perm so I won't be so hardup like an addict without his drugs.
Today, is over. Face it, tomorrow's gonna be a harsh day and so will the rest of the days be, getting harder as it goes by, level difficulty increases as you grow and gain more experience. Obstacles harder to cross, setbacks harder to overcome.
Soldier, GOGOGO!
Saturday, February 07, 2009

And yes again, mine's torn..zzz

And so 's my meniscus, wasted already.
Fuck sia, I really felt damn depressed, why tear sia zzzzzz
Lasttime chiong so hard also never tear, must tear because of snatching one stupid rebound.
The doctor looked at the screen, and cancelled partially, and told me its completely torn.
Sigh, after my mom sign the papers next week, im going for operation. I still wanna chiong my life summore, and without the operation, in 5 years time my knee will become like a 50 year old man's knee.
The really sad thing is, I won't be able to walk for a period again, as in freely.
Wont be able to take driving cause leg no power to step? HAHA! Okay, im just trying to cheer myself up.
Can't row dragonboat again. FAT LIAO LAH NABEI!~
Cannot do evening jogs and I really wanted to plan night cycle with my clique one, now cannot again. Turban :/