Monday, December 31, 2007
Below, is the stuffs I created, and made a mess out of it..
Above, I want to be a champ, just for once, I wanna carve out something in life.
Something beyond a group of friends' knowing..
something that would make the world roar in honour.
I want to be something that would make everyone be proud of.
Labels : ambition.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Trust me, if you ever read this page...
I only wanted to help, and thats that.
I didn't want to gain anything, maybe I wanted something, just to see you 2 have better relationships and stuffs.
I always told you her smile could keep me up all times, just that smile.
Why would I ever bother to backstab if... if i wanted to help. fuck this shit man.
Labels : maligned.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
This post's bout how christmas eve was spent.
<-- That's beer-replaced-with-green tea cans as you can see.
You know what?! I bought 44 bucks of unneccessary items.
Damn pissed or?
Anyways, the day started off with basketball early morning.
Then I headed home and met zhenwei rod and joseph for gym.
I didn't take down jo's "reach for the star" pose.
Really amusing pose but anws, after that, home and off to beautyworld to spend unneccesary money.
At 530pm sharp, the truck came and, holy shit~ They don't accept nets, only cash!?!!
Luckily our saviours, zhenwei, zhihao and oh jiejie came down with a lump sum of cash and we started our BBQ.
Yes, I was swearing, cause they gave 3 packs of ice, 2 packs of charcoal, utensils plates and everything needed. What the hell, really, I wasted some cash, could've done better if I gave it to charity. "jiang zhen de" aka, seriously.
Joseph and I quarrelled bout how many fire castles we should..
build, yea, build and after 3254236742352 years, as you can see from the pictures, zhenwei is trying damn hard by placing alot of fire starters close together.
Yes, reminding me, zhihao was playing with his meteorites, the burnt fire starters all the while. Made us progress damn slow lah! haha!
Zh joy and zj were slackers, trust me :P
I was photographer, so you can't blame me for not doing much.
Oh ya, we filled the whole area with smoke as you can see zhenwei using the styrofoam board spamming his god strength and fanning the pit really hard. Touched right? Yea, he made the whole pit area really stuffy only haha!
Then ken nick and yx came, the NCC boys saved e day with their uber skills.
Yes, they're uber and some are still slacking and..
Joseph's jumping ard the area like some monkey and zhenwei savouring on his BBQ sauce.
He had a quote of the day, which is "in chinese" [ We can eat good food, go swimming, and oogle at hot babes ]
HAHA! In the end, human-lookalike people came down, disappointed eh?
They drank, and played the game of truth or dare.
I hate being allergy to liquor. Makes me look like some slug after drinking abit. Sigh?
Thinking back, he used to be so nice to me, scooping food for me to feast on, playing my favourite chinese chess game with me.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Because, after you gulp down 2 litres of fresh milk and a 300ml nutrisoy, the tummyache activates and it the "WASTE" forces its way out.
HAHA. Yes, I made it to the toilet bowl and you know, it felt like paradise.
3 days to christmas eve. and my planning somehow cropped up.
It sucks and now I'm so busy with stuffs and yea, stuffs.
Anyways, gym is so core atm that I'm like going to sleep right now, so, goodnight too all!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Forever and ever, babe?
LOL, I completed a 6 months homework in 2days?!
I tested all my work infront of the teacher and everything was successful?!
Some pawnage or
Then then!! I saw the god damn SEA GAMES people earning the medals and
revealing their prowess and defeating their opponent. Woah, see them like
makes me wanna pump harder during training.The fire is like burning within me, I wanna fill myself with another level of
power and BURST, then grow long yellow hair like dragonball!Had some dinner that made me feel like how you stuff an elephant into a hippopotamus<--[wrong spelling?]
And "touchwood"
I ate beef infront of my altar. HEHE, hope I'm still blessed with goodluck ^^.Oh ya, and my poor and torn shoes have to soak in that water that was send from the cracked open sky. I thought I could go home high and dry. Hope none of you caught a cold, cause I didn't get one when I got soak in the rain for 10mins, I mean the 10mins no shelther walk home ;)
and and!! baby mutton's phrase was hilarious : "eh vernon, the player below 23 play until so lousy, you go form a over 60 team and play lah! HHEHEHEHE "
almost made me fall of the chair laughing haha!!
OKOK, have the urge.. to rest! byebye!
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
This post is about a certain person..
whom forgave me even after my wrong doings.
Not mentioning how much each have done for the other..
today, I feel remorse yet happy, cause thick skin is for the win <-- joke only.
She climbed out of the well which I thrown her into. I fell into my own trap and now, she picked me out of it. I thank you, with all my heart.
Seriously, I want to say this a million times or even a trillion times to you, if I ever get the chance.
I'm sorry.
To my once dearest friend, and going to be again and forever...
Berenice Yip Lijun.
Monday, December 03, 2007
2 hours of sleep I had
Woke up at 3 plus and msn till the called-cab arrived
Had some cabonara and a bottle of green tea for breakfast. awesome.
I mean, i paid 16bucks for the cab fare. Yea, woah! awesome. ;D
Then there were morning conflicts cause pple were late and stuffs.
OK forget bout those stuffs.
WOAH, damn excited, was screaming like it was another millenium!
Had a nonsensical start, everyone was cramped up together and yea,
from 7 warriors,
we have 2men down due to stomachache and gastric pains issue.
Another 2 went down due to lagged behind?
Left me and another 2.
I then lagged behind at the 13k mark.
Bloody hell? I saw the 10k mark and ran abit faster and was stopping inbetweens alot due to awaiting and stuffs. Almost lost my chip but lucky someone prompt me to go back and get it
Yea, back to the 10k mark, it was only 5k when i ran 1k.
Ok bullshit! Want to buy more knowledge at times like this.
[extra : There was this husband and wife with tags behind em writing , " My wife made me do this --> " and " <--- LIAR " ] hehe!!
then lets fast forward abit, from 10km mark - 13km, I sprint stop and repeat, cause the momentum? the breathing were not consistent at start already, its the only way I believe.
Walking was the only stuff I did. At 15k, some runner encouraged me to run, so the motivated andy started jogging.
AND WOAH, my legs cramped like no tomorrow.
I hopp-ed to one side almost immediately and stretched. Medics came and show me some funny looking ointment which i rejected HAHAHA.
Kk, so i completed almost 2/5 of the race by walking and trying to slow jog at times. It sucks when your shorts fibre are cutting ur thighs, ankle knee all hurting me and stuffs.
2 cups of 100plus and 1 cup of mineral water was what I had every kiosk, yesyes, water tank, but my body dehydrated, wasn't pespiring after an hour or so, guess I needed the water.
AND WHATS VERY PRO IS THAT, i wore sneakers to jog. ROFL.
Its for the win man, that pair of sneakers 's been with me for like 5 years, guess it should be in such a big event with me :D
haha, yea i know what you're thinking, andy have feelings for non-living things? lalala~ you happy can already.
Got the medal, dropped dead, pee-ed in smelly cubicles that have "waste" on it, really disgusting
Had 2 rounds of breakfast and off to bed from 1-9pm
My leg muscles are still cramping and to mr lim : " This run thrashes ur leg training 3523523423 times :X
[Actually, im quite satisfied with myself, being able to tahan such a long run, haha! I saw adeline,diana and dilis. Small world uh. 1 tuition friend, 1 primary sch mate and 1 working friend]
Had seafood fried rice that cost $6.60 for dinner O_O
Expensive or..
or flex like mAd? ;P
Kk, have training and sch tmr, need to try to sleep by using the method, counting rachels, she said its effective, well, we'll see ;D
Oh ya! I got a new phone again. Please remember to update me your number cause I lost all my contacts, again.
Conclusion for the week -
1) Exercises/trainings : Checked!
2) Eat good food : Checked!
3) Had fun : Checked!
4) Good week? - Yes, got a silver swimming medal and am a 21.1k medalist! Though it was like 2 hours 48mins when I completed it HEHE!!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
An interesting day to begin with..
it began with, no breakfast. What the fuck?
then followed up with no daily income O_O!!!
and then its 3 hours to work when I work up!
Its 1pm!!
Bathe, talk cock with msn friends, played a round of dota and... zzz its 3pm?
Time flies or..
Ok, had a great time at work, met few familiar faces, and yea, accomplished the " Art of closing a counter ".
Balance showed $0.00.
Sia lah, I think im damn pro lah O_O!
Then saw a dwarf at some lanshop in bukit timah after work, couldn't find her 6 friends and now im home, preparing for the race thats inc in 5 hours time.
Regeneration time~
P.S. I ran home, and it fucking feels good, when you feel that you've reached another level, in running. When you feel that you're pumped up and can run faster than usual and sustain longer.
holy shit~ ;)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Bad and good news.
Figure it out yourself.
2 years ago, I felt that im a broken puzzle.
I fit the pieces back slowly, then I regained my self confidence and such.
Had a bump on my finger that reminds me of that cruel past.
Today, I feel like a vase thrown down from a 20th storey building.
Broken once again. Someone, something just repeat what happened.
I really didn't want to do it, but just had to pour kerosene onto that flame that was almost gone.
Seriously, they wont even give a fuck about you even if you cried so loud that the calm sea turns into a raging storm.
Once again, I let go off a friend I fucking cherished so much, for years.
To ms.G :
If you ever come to me blog , ever.
I wanna say..
yes, I have a reason, if you remembered the stories I told you before.
May time heal.
Anyways, my 50m freestyle sprint improved!
by 2 seconds summore!!
Unbelievable! Really!
So for the relay swimming, we got second!
For solo swimming, ok I got 4th, but it was good, to me. 31 seconds!
Silver medal for the win~
beats last year's 2 bronze medals.
Gotta sleep, have to train hard tmr :D
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The week after this, I predict I will fall sick with fever/cough/cold and near the funeral state.
kk, choy!!!!!!!
Touchwood 20 times.
Its 1 hour before work!! Which means I've to go out soon.
Think there'll be a second part to this blog later on at night.
so, stay tuned alright?
*packs afew clothes and buns, tie it up with a piece of cloth, hook it with a stick*
Aye, I'm ready to work.
Enjoy ur day fellas.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that
special place
And if I stared too long
I'd probably break down and cry
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me
of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Sweet child o' mine
Great song by guns n roses. Loved it again as my shuffle play brought me to it.
DL, buy the disc, get the song from friend.. just get it. Its a beautiful song.
First day of work was fun. Met many pple and some familiar faces.
Hot babes were seen everywhere. I just knew it, I chose the right place to work, feast to ma eyes and so near home. Accessibility to anywhere is so convenient :D
Oh ya, next sunday 21km standard chartered. Confirm mati, please keep me in your prayers that I won't collapse halfway hehehe :)
Off to bed, "sleep" is calling out fer me.
Imagine a traffic light, blinking..
Andy was deadbeat after his favourite leg muscles workout, or should I say, hell training. The most avoided but satisfactory = 100% training.
His thigh muscles were cramping and can't even climb/alight stairs. The muscle ache's terrible x1000.
Then at 1/4 of the crossing, the above said happened.
Woah, He shouted/screamed,endure the pain and run as the rumbling of the motors start.
Then he made it, with severe aches as he hugs the post and catches his breathe.
TOTALLY, What the F~
Anyways, went to watch a game torney and headed home.
Tmr's gg my first work day!!
Fri's my swimming training!!
Coming Wed's my swimming compy!?!?!
WHAT THE HELL!? Coach just told me like yesterday?!
I haven't trained for months and.. compy?!?!?
I'm so gonna die.
Good Luck Have Fun man.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Paging to all SAW fans.
Andy might get hold of the saw 4 DVD and will host a venue for pple to watch.
Anyone is invited, if rodney doesnt minds? :D
Saw is a horror/gore movie. Saw 4 is R21.
So if you hate gore stuffs, please you're obliged to not come.
But its something you musn't miss, YOU KNOW, its SAW V!!!!
Okay, admits I'm a lil high over the movie. Well, I missed Saw III.
That sucks you know :(
Anyways, lan gaming till 5am yesterday. Had breakfast and went home to sleep.
Sorry for oversleeping, was sposed to meet my friends for bballing at 930am.
Lan gaming is so unhealthy, makes me so lethargic and thus.. i slept till 4pm today O_O?
Today's a rotting day for me. Feel like I've slacked too much. Tomorrow's gym will pump me up once again I guess.
I'm out~
Send me a text or something if you're interested in watching SAW. I'll give u e details. Ellis not included. :D
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Do you believe that life will often be down and out and unlucky at certain periods.
I believe so.
Just yesterday, my brother set our port settings just to make his comp able to host his favourite DOTA game.
Ok, that affected my comp for abit. The net got abit laggy and shit and I got pissed off for abit.
He then say if dont want i reset back lor. After using the comp for so long, does he knows that after reverting back to a normal setting, the comp won't feel the same anymore. I mean thats after I used the comp for so many years, so I hate setting up unnecessary stuffs when my comp is perfectly fine and running smoothly.
Retard x 1.
THEN JUST ONLY, my mum wanted to use my comp just to print her documents cause her old pentium 3 died and her data can only be print out from my comp cause her latest one is in her vista.
OK, I lend her lah, nice guy mah.
Guess what? Now my comp auto hangs, restarts for no fucking reason and she have to spoil my mouse. Ok, maybe I'm just too sensitive, but after coming home , dread tired and bout to "die" from training, leg muscles training summore. I limped home, sweat and tired was how my body's feeling. She have to make me frustrated and fedup x1000!
She mops/sweep the house and have to knock onto my CPU while gaming when i tell her not to. Then now want to use my comp, let you use please use it with care, its very sensitive and she knows it. THEN, she have to throw out this stunt.
I really wanna swear you know, accidentally leaked afew of the 4 letter word out, infront of her and shes crying.
I didn't even direct to her, its like cursing, just a remark.
And she said, I bought this comp/mouse for you. Ok, I quit the lanning life just because its unhealthy and its better to stay at home and play.
Now, she bought this comp with her/my dad's money. Then take it back lah, things want to ji jiao so much. TAKE IT BACK MAN. I DON'T USE THE COMP LAH, TOTALLY, FUCKED UP DAY to end with.
Sorry for the expletives and such.
I'm out of here, I wanna go run even with these "broken" legs.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I'll swear on my first sentence in this blog.
Ok, maybe the second. SOOO~ Fucked up.
Gym IS the place that allows me release the fumes.
The place where I can really be myself.
An arena with warriors fighting to be the strongest.
The training ground where no one gives shit about ur attitude..
A place where I think freedom is and doesn't lets you roam ard freely thinking bout ur personal stuffs.
as long as you think you've achieved it when the final bout comes around.
Once you leave the battle realm
The outside world..
is filled with, people whom like their "face" so much.
pride and honor of giving other pple their very first impression..
So it cannot be ruined.
People whom fight to protect emself [ yea thats true, but one gets over selfish and.. ]
People whom only wants things their way [ never give a thought about others ]
People whom thinks everyone is under them [ too overconfident with their stuffs/looks/fame ]
and they tend to treat the weaker like piss.
I just wanna go to the gym now man. :\
Seriously that small room is considered paradise to me even if theres pain.
Fucked up, once again.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Been a farming week and the benefits will come soon.
Partner the monsterous coach for training.
He's a pervert, yes he is.
Because he does weights that're so heavy and he keep training the same muscle section and what did I get.
I got a sore body.
Skipped the monday exercise so I didn't get to train the upperbody chest nor biceps and shoulders.
But I did the legs, abdomen, back and tricep training.
This wednesday, after the leg exercises, I took a bus home and sat there not moving for 15mins.
Reached my stop, I press the bell, and my legs refused to stand up. I insisted and the cramps came. So 18 years old andy become 80 years old. He had to limp home and grab onto the poles as he walk/got out of the bus. I even spammed the bell so the bus uncle will wait for me. How pathetic >
Then yesterday, was the back and triceps. Now I can't fidget like I always do. It hurts to even stretch :(
Thus, now im handicap, kind of handicap from legs to shoulders.
Oh wells, I'll just pend for the benefits :D
Oh ya , yay I have saw 4 CD. uh oh, its R21 and I can watch! *winks*
Interested members please call my handphone and beg me, PLEASE~
Off to jog ;)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Everytime you see scenes or replays of people who're dying.
Normally that unlucky guy would just get mocked for his stupidity and say he deserved it.
But at the last moment, when he steps onto that chair and prepares to get hanged to death..
..he smiles..
I started thinking bout this when I was day-dreaming.
IS it because he finally realises his mistake and thinks that death is the only way to atone for his mistakes.
OR, just that he shouldn't die, ugly-ly?
MMM, maybe he saw a illusion, aka a angel and the angel's hand reaching out to bring him to heaven as they always say if u repent, you're forgiven..
OR[again], He found out how corrupted the world can be, giving verdicts and forcing a death just to give the county/town/country a reply so everything can once be normal and people will still think the government is upholding justice as they always are. [as he smiles and wants to die earlier cause hes disgusted by the world's way of upholding justice]
I'm f*cking random I know. I just thought...
Aiya! I go watch t.v. lah.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Remember the times when you're a kid, you get anything and everything you want.
You're like the king and everyone have to bow and accomodate to your wishes.
Never did you know that as you grow, you lose that " power " you have within you.
Everytime you level up, you pick up more responsibility.
Instead of gaining new powers.
One then start to pick on new challenges, new courses that would eat up afew years of your life.
Whether you accomplish it or fail, its up to your hardwork and effort and of course, that bit of luck..
Setbacks then come as they block ur way to success. You never know when they arrive.

When they do, they entrap you and give you negative thoughts and such.
So, would u think positive and work hard once again after a failure.
Or decide to drown urself with liquor and let ur life waste away.
Do you wanna face the world as a loser..
One that people knows worldwide when one says a keyword that links to your profession?
You know you know, fame.
Today onwards, I aim to be a better man.
Just can't stay the same.
Monday, November 05, 2007
When was the lasttime I felt like winning so much that I have this great hatred for losing.
It's november the 3rd. A day when I lost again. My next big competition would be Inter-ITE/IVP swimming competition. I wanna be the champion for once. Not just a champion. A champion that would should that particular association, that I'm not just a sucker at that sport, I'm someone you have to put in all ur damn fighting spirit and cow strength to defeat me. How I wish that would come true. hmmmm... i wonder...
I ran, ard the whole dark and ulu and eerie ngee ann. [ard 8plus going 9, jogging btw]
K lah, at such moments , OFTEN-LY, my stupid brain starts imaginating. So you know what i'm thinking of.
Sprint for 5mins I think, could be lesser. All I could hear was my heavy breathing and hoping nothing's following behind me.
OK, stupid andy and his imaginations. Had dinner at al ameen at 1030pm. Zhihao was kinda on time this time. Congratulate?
Oh ya, why is my pathetic injuries acting up again. Keeps aching non stop. Wonder what will happen to my knee if I run the 21km. Lets pray nothing happens ok? hehe.
Hmm, thats about it at the moment.
I don't know how to end this blog man
Goodnight i guess!!
p.s. MCR concert for the win! :D
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Why are there such people in the world?
Just to win, they give you that kinda attitude and spit at you.
Got fourth placing just now at the heats.
First was 1mins 39seconds.
2nd's the Assh*les that spit on us at 1min 40.93seconds i think
3rd's at ard 1min 41.22seconds.
4th's us at 1min 41.75seconds.
This is bullshit you know?!
We banged onto second placing , seahawk's boat.
This time wasn't like the previous rounds. We whacked em, we're so close yet. Zzzz
Thats my final dragonboat race. Its over though.
Was a great accomplishment, though I didn't accomplish much? haha.
Anyways, grats andy to freedom. Now its time to get a job and move on with another chapter of life.
Besides, I may continue dragonboat. Just to keep fit and maybe join competition as a club member. Hehe.
Life's unpredictable, ain't it? :D
Just hope things will come true the way I predict it!
Supper in 6 hours. gone~
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
jian ren : Eh, andy, lend 10 bucks. I next week return you.
andy : lends.
[after 5 months]
andy : eh my 10 bucks?! (after several attempts during the months)
jian ren : Oh! I no money ah, you see I still lend money from people.
andy : Oh, kk nevermind, take your time [ said that every attempt when I didn't get back my cash. I'm broke and bloody hell. Frustrated ]
ANYWAYS, I'm going to treat it as I bought dog food that cost 10 bucks and feed it to him.
Forget it!
Oh ya, I have plans after my competition.
A) I'm going to stop dragonboat.
B) I want to join Muay Thai. [ You know those kind that your body have to be f*cking tough ]
You have to enjoy the pain ;P Be insane*!
C) The need to earn money [sign back up for lifeguard]
D) Learn how to shop!? Haha, need a pro to help. Anyone? ;P
E) Buy Baileys!! OMFG~~~ 80bucks per bottle. Irish cream. SLURRPPP~!!!!!
F) WHAT THE BLEAHHH, and that something..
Oh wells, jian people should all die!!!! *Stuff toes into nostrils and suffocate em to death!*
I want to go Wild again some day. Screaming out every shit just feels so good. Really. ;)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
I've been feeling kinda outcast lately.
Like my close friends are keeping secrets that I don't know and I feel like .. outcast lor~
Hope that ain't true and maybe those things not said to me are ... not supposed to be said.
Just that one part of me keeps wanting to know what it is. Uncontrollable, seriously.
Took out the dusty box with a shaver within. Ok, its kinda new just that I left it at a dusty area? yea.
Its expensive, and hard to use :\
So high tech till I have to read the manual 5 times to completely understand it LOL!
kk, I'm slow.
Byebye sicssors ;P ( ya laugh all you want haha )
Had my National Service medical checkup.
Due to stupid,fucking stupid, partially, colourblindness, im thrown into Pes B.
Had every square as "A", except eyesight.
Sigh, what a waste, I could be one of singapore' best commando ;P
(will try to apply, see possible or not)
Anyways, life's been a bored shit for me.
Stupid encounters like meeting up with a gay, old gay. With his, gross-est phrase saying to me, "I thought ure 20 judging by your leg hair". YUCKS to mars.
Jogging every alternate days and gaming gaming and gaming.
I need to find some LIFE in my life.
Almost lost a finger during one my of sea training quite some time ago.
Finger was hooked onto another boat and the boat drifted away and my smallest finger couldnt withstand the force and it just almost feel like breaking off any second.
Even until now, that feeling stays. Really is kinda scary losing some dear to you uh.
Heading towards overseas life after army. The "no intention of staying in singapore to study" feeling lingers ard me all the time.
Dad's sponsoring me anything, like studies, guitar lessons, french/spanish/japanese/korean studies. Whatever that will benefit my life in the future.
Damn awesome.
But there are some things that I have to do before I go.
Like ... Lol! not the time to think bout such...
Fuck, give me a break and, please, give me a smooth sailing life ahead.
And now, the stressful moment, where to celebrate kenneth's birthday, gotta rack my brains, later~
Friday, September 21, 2007
What if...
Recently, I've been thinking bout lotsa stuffs.
Like my regrets in life..
Heartaches that come and go all the time..
I'm not getting emo. Just having too much free time to think.. thus .. alright, maybe I'm just getting abit emo.
I had done something HEROIC, before. Letting it goes seems so good. But everytime some stuffs remind me of it. The "wanting" feeling comes back altogether.
Now, that feeling's not good :\
Ok, 4 sentences is enough. I shall stop thinking for awhile, hop on to gaming mode and off to sea training in an hour's time.
Wtb less imaginations.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Eye bags and signs of "tiredyetstillwannagoandplay". [ Trainings and WoW-ing and.. lalala ]
Poofed, its ard 1230am now.
I'm tired tired dread tired.
Trainings had never been easy.
Got forced into 21km standard chartered marathon. [ Seriously, I might give up halfway lol >< ]
Competition's nearing.
Exams' in 2 weeks!
Tests' are all smooth sailing for me
Many things happened in dragonboat training.
Lemme make it short.
A guy, whom we ostracize, complained and we promised that we wont PANGSEH him and accomodate him. It was like, finally a problem solved. Then that fucker have to pull one stunt on the first girls' sea training. He actually snap one of the girl while she was bathing. How? I don't know but srsly, that was one of the dumbest thing to do. The girl's ugly, no figure, basically all the bad stuffs point at her.
I know its mean to say that but, ya, I'm mean ;P
That guy is seriously, a fat bum that goes emo once u scold him like.. 3 words.
For example:
What you want!! <--Thats the nicest thing we say to him when he piss us off.
What lah, CB! <-- censored cause its vuglar. You know I know can already.
Fuck you lah! <-- Ok this is the ultimatum. But how can u react when he shows that arrogant attitude and thinks hes like captain when hes nothing
I'm not making a fuss here, well I'm kind of. But!!!! sigh. Why are there pple who're so stupid :/
WTB brains for the needy man!!
Besides all of these, life had never been better.
I'm off to al ameen. Makan sutra!
Later ;)
I NEED SLIPPERS. Anyone interested to go shop with me for it heh!
Appreciated if you ask ;P
Saturday, August 04, 2007
1stly - Caught simpsons with clique and laughed like some DFs
Loved the phrase : deploy 10000 tough man and another 10000 soft man to make the tough man look tough. ROFL.
Theres this teenage/male - he was laughing with hanyupingying di yi sheng [ aka . first pronouciation ] - hohoho. LMAO~ thats how he laugh OMG..
2ndly - Dragonboat bastards are gg for 10km standard chartered marathon. Now its time to feel the strain/pain, alternate days jogging resumes. Weight training had never been more fun. Adding on the weights every training ;D
Regatta race is closing in day by day. deadline for 15-20pullups is mid august.
One phrase : ai pia ah jia ae ya! [ gotta strive/workhard then you'll win ]
3rdly - Tests are going smoothly, study wise I've already scored the marks i desired for 2 modules. 2 more to go, work hard andy!
Lastly!! - Clique have some really funny attitude that when you're in range of their aura, you laugh almost automatically. Even on msn, you can laugh till you cry. Msn/Microphone talks/Drawings/ - they sing and bullshit. FTW lol!
Tbh, im kinda high right now. Think i'll go stuff my thoughts with some stuffs.
Oh ya! Singfest, here i come!! WOOTS~
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Dragonboat competition is over, NOT~
We're gg training for River Regatta, some international race I believe. THE SAD THING IS... training starts tmr. Sigh, my body's rusty alr after the 1 week break.
Been doing nothing much but staying at home and slacking after the race.
Define slacking? see the picture?
Yes, if you took more than 5 seconds to think whats that, thats World Of Warcraft. My commitment heh ;P.
Thats my character alright, cool cow yea? hehe. [ I spend more than a day playing this game, everyday, but please, thats not call no life, its a gamer's life ffs ;D ]
[this i gotta blog about]
Few days ago, me jo rod nick went to eat zhi cha..
Haste-walk there and knocked onto some furnitures and met joel. Lol, why the fuck is he hugging his stuffs and walking nimble-footedly. [k no link, next~]
Then met up with em and we started eating.
"Thirst" came and I order from a auntie.. it goes..
Andy : Wo yao ju hua. [chrysanthemum]
Andy : Err, bu yao, auntie, gae wo F&N grape.[give me F&N grape]
Auntie : murmurs~
Auntie walks away..
Auntie turns back...
Auntie : Xiao di, wo men mei you mai F&N ju hua.[we dont sell f&n grape]
ROFL~ I don't know why we're laughing but, the aura we gave each other, the looks, hahaha! That feeling's just unbearable, you have to laugh.
Nick also damn busted, the auntie delivered the drinks and he purposely ask the auntie for F&N ju hua.. then want to laugh dont want to laugh LOLOL!
Rodney had currycumkopiOpeng. 2 teaspoons of that into his drink heh~!
Jo invented his new song from Plain White Tee's - Hey layla LMFAO~! [ correction, Hey there, Delilah. ]
Nick, as usual.. no further comments though, later he say i che taiji HAHAHA.
Anyways, i love the curry fish head to a large extent. Don't know why heh, but its real nice, clear the food with 3 plates of rice.
Hmm, thats bout it, Harry potter this weekend at our clique's beloved cinema... its near bukit batok. You know it, don't guess.
Zoning in to bed, training tmr.
Will try to add an entry every week, later guys~
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Holla dudes/babes~
Its handydandyandy AGAIN~
Been long since I last logged into blogger, finally I have this bit of free time to do some blogging.
Life's been good and not good.
Good cause .. Before i tell you bout it ,lemme share some past experience with you.
I was a skinny fair boy, until I was thrown into primary sch, when i started to dye my skin brown.
I remember, i patronised the same store for 5 years, the maggie mee stall HAHA~
Never ever got sick of mee with 3 pieces of fillet and sweet sauce all over e noodle, dry cooked.
[Extras : I got so familiar with e aunties that i often run in from the backdoor to buy food, aka cut queue hehe!
Oh ya, i miss buying yakult and getting the toy, remember the magnets/parachute soldier and some sticky toy hahaha!!]
Changed to the mix veggie rice stall during primary 6, sure took long enough for me to change my taste.
Kk, to the main point. I started to expand in size during primary 3. Got thrown into TAF club when miss lye pinched my belly to feel whether if I had fats or muscles hidden within.
Fast forward ...
Till sec 4, when i was annouced that im free to go, outta TAF. Never had real strong muscles, still was fat but not overweight. Then I started slimming down, as miraculous as how cenosis/slimming sanctuary/jeanyip/expression works.
Everyone say that I slim down alot, but WHAT THE F...
I still could not even pull a single pull up and its really disgraceful.
Joined CCAs aka -> dragonboat/Competitive swimming and still.. after a year of training, i still cant pull my first pullup. [ I love water/seasports, friggggging awesome and cool they are ]
I felt like a useless bum you know.. a worthless mofo.
Pple would be like asking, huh you dragonboat ah?! Can pull how many pullups?
Andy : err, i just join fun fun nia, i also grad from taf not long ago, still 0 lor.
ITS SO HARD, for me to say it.
But, I reap what I sow, I motivate myself with .. , I force myself, over exert and push so hard till giddy and have muscle fatigue comes along every training..[does it sound sick?]
Finally, 2 weeks ago, on a friday, I did my first pull up, HOLY~ WAS ESCTATIC, even if its just ONE. Dasical andy, I just try to do pull up whenever a bar is seen.
Last mon, I did 3, last wed/fri, i did 3-5.
Today, I did 7 straight. The feeling is just totally awesome man! HEHE, im really really really happy.
Well, the june race is coming, exactly 8 weeks im left with. I'm so gonna prove myself worthy of being a ITE dragonboater, even though my grp are the first batch of college west DB team.
Watch out pple out there, we're so gonna defeat you handsdown. ;D
OK, off to bed. Limit reached. Nights~
Trainings are so gonna be 5 per week, and 4-6 hours per training. So gonna die~
Everyone gets to rest after the race and training will be less tough for em..
Whereas for me..
I'll have to take part in the ITE swimming meet and then some august DB race while coping with my special project.. and project's everyday till 7pm. [HOW TO PLAY MY World Of Warcraft liddat!!]
Special project = Teacher's project that helps u to score well, gain an award, learn something deeper and more profound. In short, you get to gain lotsa positive stuffs.
I'm sucha busy man~ sigh, with many problems.
Have a good one guys :D
Monday, April 23, 2007

and it's breeze. [ I just love the feeling of the wind,really! ]

[Couldve gotten a better pose if he were to follow my instructions.. damn! Zhong song huey~] LAWL~
There we are, ubin..
Now now, lemme describe bout this place..
Its infested with flies [ but it doesnt seems dirty ]

All drinks cost 1 buck [ holy cow, thrashes 7-11/cheers/kopitiams ]
Joy - Got her feet stucked in the mud with her slippers when we're nearing the end of the cycling.
Joseph [ not counted an accident ] - had to force out all his cow

Rodney - miraclously, nothing happened.
Nicholas - fell down twice and..
and the chicken chop too!!
Yongxian's leg cramps acted up when we're bout to leave and rodney the medic tried to cure it. Holy, i think he did it ;P
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Damn blogger, i posted 3 posts and none of them came out, @#$%^&*..
I'm so not gonna blog bout those days anymore!!! ARGH~
Hmm, I have to go in an hour or so, so i'll just make this fast.
Yesterday, Sunday, I went out to eat, as a family. Haven't ate with dad for a really really really... long time.
Even if i get to see him, he would've been sleeping whenever i got home. I saw one of his teeth turned black yesterday. I thought, omg, tooth decay??
But it ain't. Is cause of smoking. Fuck this cigarettes thingy sometimes, I hate it, but i can't stop it.. i really wish that sometimes, i can just break off the ties by doing the first blow on friends/family members, hoping that they would "wake up" from it.. then gradually let time heal.
Sigh, but the guts aint there? [ that the right way to phrase it? ]
I don't know.
I see pictures of friends whom I thought are gonna be my best friend, besides clique, they're smiling in their pictures, they're real happy.
There's this particular incident, "A" told me to wait for her, thats like ages ago, and now shes like, don't talk bad bout my boyfriend alright. She was my real good friend, [ not saying im a real good friend to everyone though ].. she could now go, you're once my good friend you know. There the keyword's "once". I'm so pissed with the whole thing that I have to blog it out here to release that helium inside of me.
I helped to save that relationship of hers, twice..
So should i get the trophy with words inscripted ' superhero andy saves the day '..
Then that made me anti her bf, and to not make anything worst, somehow, i abandoned her..
So the cool award should be given to me?..
Did I do the right thing?
Sigh, I need to sweat it out at training, I'm gone man.
Have a good one~
[the sighs]
Dad looks really cheerful, hes really a steady person, I shouldnt have just be angry with him for years just because of his stubborn attitude, like mine.
Like father like son, I strongly believe this phrase now..
Now that his body's gonna fail him, i think i have to work hard and take over him asap, no more time to waste.. can't fool ard anymore.
For him and my future, I'm pushing myself man..
Friday, March 23, 2007

Been years since I last went to sentosa man!
Great beach..
Scorching sun..
White sand..
Wait a minute, its getting boring!! ;P
Yea, we settled down, scope for AHEMs, apply "bananaboat oil"

and off we go to play!!
[OK I DO LOOK ABIT STUPID HERE] its for you to comment though HAHAHA
We played Volleyball, was quite noobish at it but hey, its fun fun and fun man~
Then we got kinda tired and to tann!
ALL of us got sunburn, well, think I can call today's tanning a
success uh? :D

We then played football and rugby, hella fun I tell you, especially rugby, though it ain't some rugby with official rules, heh!!
[Damn, accidentally deleted a group photo, but nvm, I wanna crash soon, no more editing!!]
Had dinner at coffeeshop after departing sentosa at ard 530pm.
Then Beany's holiday was screened as we entered the theatre at vivo. Stated 640 starts movie and we had free adverts for 20mins! [ Oh ya, I met ma bitch, that stupid girl :) ]
[great temperature at vivo's theatre! unlike westmalls, makes me shiver so much while catching e show]
Yea, its a cool movie man. Rowan still preserves his beany character and its a good movie I say. Like after so long, Mr bean's still a comedy man in everyone's eyes and yea .. still a funny guy :)
Few left us and the rest, including me went for zhichar! Woo, *nick - am I really a food machine? :P* I ate curry fishyhead,black pepper deer meat, egg and kang kong kang kong~~
2 plates of rice cleared, whoosh, IM SATISFIED :D
Bahh, I'm turning in now!! Tmr still got training, poof, I just love my life right now!
P.s. Lim, you better do what you promised me :)
P.s.s. ROD!! MONORAIL MOVES ON ROAD, LAWL~~ and bullet train, FWEEL~ HAHAHA!
HAHA DAMN LOSERS tried to ask a girl for number and got rejected so badly HAHA!
But I wonder why everyone keeps looking at that girl.. at the bitch. Don't seem to find her hot/pretty in anyways, maybe I'm a freak :P
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Woah, its been ages since I last step into the blogging world, seems so..
same same but different, get it? :X
Haha, finally its the hols and palapapapa, I'm loving it. Training's are back, meeting up with friends and sport AND *catches breath* accidentally injure myself, the heel, again~ DAMMIT!
On the day my exams ended, we went to rodney's house to repair his sofa? Damn good carpenters we're HOHO and the sofa was 8cm lower after repair HAHAHA!!

Joseph had his emotions controlled real real well..
until he chance upon one of rod's cumbuddy LOL!
He took it and start saying :
Hello, kenneth hello, nicholas hello, guohao hello HAHAHAHA
He must be deprived from his childhood entertainment..

The second picture, click on it and you'll see how much fun hes having with strawberry hahahah!!
They said kenneth look like some emperor in this second picture.. hmmm, so I conclude that nicholas's the king's visitor and..
They got a local clown aka joseph to entertain em HAHAHA
*joseph peace ah, you my right arm I your left arm LOL*
We went to play bball and one of the days.. something happened..

they were having fun playing cheat..
like pushing each other and having fun when..
this stupid fella got knee-ed at his private part LOL!
Rod : Wah very pain, really very pain.
THEN!! He made a sudden move/jerk in that position, like a fish on land struggling for survival. HAHAHAHA, sad boy rod!
Then we went off to buy bubble tea, and that cheapo kopitiam conned me, 4/5 cup of greenapplemilkteam, 2 mouths full and its finished, $1.20!
Rod bought bubble tea, flavour : medicated oil milk tea. Totally smell like it, one mouth and abandoned by its owner. haha sad for "him".

Healthy healthy! If you wanna come jog with me, give me a tag or mail or whatever that is to contact me :D
Hehe, thats me with SUPERNATURAL eyes..
Thats my Red Braces, damn they hurt real bad, uclers everywhere now..
Porridge porridge and no burgers :(
P.s. How do I look with short hair?
P.s.s. This post is for that "illegal ahem" and yea, finally i update SO DONT SAY ITS A DEAD BLOG SLUTS!