Sunday, December 28, 2008

this picture, speaks a thousand words, really.
highest row : Alvin [ dota allstar O_O! ], xiaolong [ the waiter ], john [ ljkk hehe ], andy [ cock fella cum asshole hehe ], jason [ strongest pacer ], ahseng [ rich man ], should be jackson [ panther ], jasper [ power pac ah! ], kokann [ another piston man ], angda [ pretty boy rofl! ], lech [ no link fella ], zhenwei [ super cock fella cum living ghost haha! ].
on the chairs : ah ben [ fbt sexy! haha! ], benjamin [ hmm ? ], dama [ malay girl! ], joy [ chinese girl ,duh! ], weihao [ sighh ], yan an, [ mushroomman/paul ], sean [ SAAA! ], desmond [ no comments totally ], some malay guy.
on the floor yo! : buay [ injured leg man ], pk [ garang boyboy ], ronald [ respectable captain yo! ], enrique [ another, respectable vice captain].
haha all that time..
but yea, look forward.
Labels : memories.
be calm, like the sea and the wind or the drizzle.

like the occasional high tide, the strong winds howling, that heavy droplets splattering on you.
even a combination which makes up a storm.
that leaves you cold, drenched and makes you..

pissed off and clouds your thoughts and judgements.

you're 19 already and you're gonna spend 2 years working. Your work 'll be like a war, the same old things/scenes/routes, but changes in the scenario everyday.
one minute you thought you're safe, the next minute you might just lose your life.

be calm, know what you need to do, protect yourself, following up protect your friends and love one.

no more reckless moves, no more hot headed shit.
wake up from that 'trance' state if u ever get provoked into it, in the shortest time possible.
and make the right move.

Labels : be calm :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

its yet another, hohoho. ;)

christmas eve's .. er.. kinda fulfilling hahaha :X:X. Though camp lifestyle made me 'blackout' while mahjonging. I just collapse on the floor after the game at 3am hahaha.

Anws I'm gonna stress on how stressful I'm gonna get tomorrow.

100++ questions test in 2 hours.

going back to camp tonight and getting out tomorrow. WTH WTH WTH!
serious, like waste time, but haha, 'graduation day' 's coming soon.

I shall state my new year 'want to do' now before I forget!

2009 I wanna..

1)have a healed right knee! so I can chiong once again.
2)be safe cause the on the ground its never safe.
3)learn piano/harmonica [ instruments ]
4)learn sculling/boating aka boat license and drive one/excel in dragonboat/learn martial arts hahaha! [ seasports/sports ]
5)learn my japanese and germanese?!?! [ languages ]
6)hurry up get a car license and drive so i no need to always taxi! :/ [ transport ]
7)be more knowledgeable in interior design so I can help dad decorate the 2 new houses. [ sophisticated ]
8)try out ice skiing/scuba diving/bungee/sky diving if chance exists [ external ]
9)play starcraft 2 and buy all of blizzard's story books/rave books also [ collection/interest ]
10)something that fits into that circuit board ;)

My resolution would be :

I will be more discipline.
I will try to cut down on my rash acts.
I will be less stubborn.
I will not anyhow spend money anymore.
I will scold less vuglarities [ SUMPA ]
I will not be so reckless in sports.
I will try to get closer to my family/godfamily.
I will maybe become less much of a cockster. okay okay, know when to be one.
I will once again, want smooth sailing in my life.


Labels : christmas/new year in adv.

Monday, December 22, 2008

that garden of flowers, which continues, beyond sight.

They said, when there're so many varities, rare, attractive flowers.
Why must u die die stick to one particular S.F.

Then he say, because special mah.
They say, how special, there're like so many other, even more beautifully blossomed S.F.

Then he say, when you like it at first sight, you find that only one particular and special.
Would you give it up even if something more attractive gets to your sight.

He continued, of course not!

Labels: flowers :X

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Just for laughs. but really, somehow, its over :D

all the times we've been together, just perished after a person's doings.

Labels : Be crazy, Be yourself :D

Saturday, December 20, 2008

you topple and broke my glass, yet you fix it back standing.

It felt like a quarrel.
Then both chatter and laugh through the verbal convo.
It felt like 'Once in a lifetime'
Swear that 'esctatic' was what I felt, those upsetting moments were just washed away.
the drive revives, yet again..
then it all just went back to normal the moment you open ur eyes the next day.
Confused state of mind.
Always there still,for now.
I had 5 words in my mind when I reminsce your words,
Not that I don't know what I want. Vice Versa.
'you're still pending something somehow.'
maybe you're still uncertain, and time will tell? somehow?
Sometimes I feel really tired, I wanna just throw all this 'burdens' inclusive of thoughts, aches[specific? you know what lah], responsibilities, ALL of em at the side of the pavement, sit down, relax for awhile, before carrying em and continue walking on.


For whatever it is, my love life, my this weak knee[ HEAL FASTER YO ], my old friends that used to make me laugh whenever they crap, my future..
I just want, smooth sailing for all, not too greedy I guess? HAHA!
I SWEAR, for the firsttime, accupuncture hurts, 3 seconds of immobilization due to needle poked at nerves, somehow causes paralysis, with feelings of electric currents flowing thru your toe. Turban, I thought I was going to die :S

Okay brain dead.
Weekends, I'll see you tmr, BEDTIME, HERE I COME.

Labels : think think think!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

mozart in the making.

Haha secret yo! Want to buy someone more patient with me besides my brother, he always run to dota while teaching me how to play piano. WTHHHHH!! I only have weekends to learn, HELLO!

Labels : mozart LAH!

Monday, December 15, 2008

the biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.

An accident :

A knee, twisting 360degrees back to its original position results in..

1)Victim screaming at the top of his voice.
2)Not able to move for quite a period.
3)Waiting at the hospital for 4 hours.
4)Not able to sleep well because that injured leg have to remain straight or bend, and adjusting it will hurt like crazy.
5)Cannot walk at all.
6)Have to limp and depend on crutches.
7)Its a lucky number yes, but, all in all, ' pathetic '.

Lets pray that theres no ligament injury, or the worst case scenario, just a slight, injury.
I don't wanna recourse my entire Basic Training.
I wanna be able to play basketball still.
I wanna be able to run freely still too.
I want, err.. hope/wish/etc, that ahem can visit/support me. haha :X:X

Aiyo, just faster cure lah, mr.rightknee.

Labels: broken knee

Saturday, December 13, 2008

when you put out the campfire.

You know its finally and end to all the bondings and everything.
You know that tomorrow will be the day you've finally completed this phase and its time to grow up.
You want these people around you to still be with you and hold onto each other, hoping that they will still be ur friends till you grow old, because they are people whom lived with u, gone through obstacles together, work together, and get punished together for a whole 3months 3 weeks.
But you know, you're a man, and you've to carve out something from your life first, create a family, and then protect em.
These friends will be there, if they're fated to be your friends, like someone you need to rely on or someone that needs you to enlighten to 'grow up'. But heck the future for now, all you want now, is to cherish every moment with em, the remaining 33 days with em, and make a memory to pass out together, as a squad that one will always remember, a group of monkeys/rowdy buggers that one will miss whenever they think bout their NS life, a bonding that's so priceless that one will inscript it and treasure it,deep in his heart, forever.

Lets work hard together, LIMA BULOH!
And damn, i will miss you a hella. sumpa.
Labels : parting is hard, just look ahead young, andy.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times.. always with the same person. Dinner at bla bla black sheep yesterday to celebrate mr's.. okay.. celebrate sounds wrong, to send mr off to NS. Hope he'll have fun inside lolol.
'HOMEMADE BEEF BURGER', trust me, the burger is bigger than carls junior and mc's mega mac. Super big lah, I gorge on a mc'chicken, that, soft shell crabs, lotsa water, drumlets and I produced something liquified. Super bloated, you can't blame me for eating so much though. The place I am in for weekdays doesn't provide food that palatable.

Oh, while I was on my way, haha, I see this lovey-dovey old couple play ping pong with each other, laughing as they play. Don't you find it, like.. very, cute? Maybe its the wrong word to use but, I find it really rare to see couples still spending time together doing what they like. Imagine nexttime I old already, I rent 1 dragonboat with my partner and we park near the marine barrage and enjoy the atmosphere. Not sure whether if sunset could be seen though. haha, but all in all, this old couple really makes me envy, somehow.

Oh and this really outdated picture. Raffles hotel birthday function. ROFL, mask galore. That place is filled with hotbabes, branded stuffs, cool cars. Quite an experience. Even sitting down infront of the toilet waiting for my friends also got damn cool encounter. HAHAHA :X
Would you cherish someone that does anything for you without complaining, maybe complains abit but still, will you? I will.

Labels : life.

Monday, December 08, 2008

that aftermath
Once upon a time, there stayed a family of 3 with a rascal whom hammers nails into his house's fence whenever he felt unhappy.
He nailed every single fence around his house's perimeter.
And one day his dad found out about his son's doings and taught him a verbal lesson. He stood infront of his dad and listened to the 'chantings' and finally his tolerance cut off. He shouted at his dad, telling him if he removed the nails, everything would be undone already right?!

His dad gave his son the hammer and told him to remove every single nail.
When all is done, he could see the fences with wood splint protruding out, ugly holes throughout the entire perimeter.

Dad said, you see what you've done, for your own selfishness, to ease yourself, without looking at the bigger picture, you destroyed our family's fence.
Let this be a lesson learnt dear son, think before you move.

rashness brings in the misunderstandings because the truth 's not revealed.
so nexttime pend,plan before you ignite. Whats done cannot be undone, even if it could be, a 'scar' would be inscripted there forever.
I dont mind my stupid acts, as long as my conscience is clear.
Labels : rashness/after-effect.
burn you inferior creep, quit the negative thoughts.

not wanting to be secondary to one.
not walking the 'alley' but able to get to one directly.
not suprised that one day one 'll be tired to even bother saying sorry.
I hate it when mummy hurries me to choose my overseas university. because I can give that up for a special someone.
why am i getting so hard up
but the shit thing, is I have only until next year mid year and I have to make my choice. fuck.
labels : i think its, jealousy.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

a true man
even if hes the abandoned,
can endure the 'burn' and walk away holding his head high to..

nextweek, the most hectic week for me, especially that test.
bless me to have the courage and make my mark.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Your flame glows and flickers.

You pend and wait.
You yearn to see.
You want to know.
You know you do not have the standing.
Yet you perservere on.
You don't know if what you're doing is stupid to others.
You only know its something that you feel towards to and want to have.
You just want to see the smile.
But yet another side of you wants something more.
You feel that its kind of impossible.
But you know you can change it and make a difference.
Because even a % near to 0.001, you'll go for it.


You know that the chances are low.
You know you have to give it a go.
You know determination and perserverance will lead you somewhere.
But not to expect too much.
Because you know life's a bet and things are unpredictable
You just want honesty from her.
So you know when to let go, or when to see her smile at you, and you back at her.
And you know, whatever the outcome, you can take it.
Because the truth is something you rather listen to.
And you want to see the smile always

Even if your mind is exhausted.
Even if your knee wants to give up and rest.

You know whats worth to do and whats not.
Go, toughest one.
I know I'm utterly greedy, but, i just miss you abit too much i guess.
Labels : you and your thoughts.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

when theres no light at the end of the tunnel.

[ Edit post ]

sometimes, you just feel very uneasy. you want to get it off ur head but it just lingers there. you look at it in a different manner but people of the same species tells you that you're utterly stupid with their reason that holds a higher stand somehow. then you start to get confused.

and sometimes thinking so much really just makes life less enjoyable.

but then again, you still dont feel right, somehow. but afterall, tho sometimes you care bout how others look at you, you just know whatever you're doing is right even if it seems stupid.

and.. its the trust that keeps me hanging on.

labels : wrong. [ okay maybe theres still a dim light at the end of the tunnel ]
Speak the truth, but leave immediately after.

So, my colourblind didn't pull me down on my final judgement. At least I'll get something that I want. Someone I can be, to test my leadership, Go andy, know the damn finishing point, and sprint ;D

Replies to taggers :

Karlyn : haha absolutely welcome :) you'd better enjoy ur holidays :D

Berenice : NICE LAH NICE LAH, but now like sian already leh? HAHAHA

Jassemine : How does it feel ah? hmmm I see my mood then tell you ;)

Rachel : 8months..... GOODLUCK GETTING FAT YO~

John : You know how !@#^%^$%() it feels not :\

Evelyn : MAI HAOLIAN THANKS~ haha!

Even tho it seems like some of em have grown up. But words of manipulation just never fails to arouse em. Maybe getting used to those, high end phrases of a sly, you just can't resist the temptation to get hypnotised.

Everytime I see em like that, and even he say don't care, I still can't forget all that me and some 've been through to work this whole thing up and just taken away by one. Maybe thats the real world out that and I've to face it I guess.

Alright, saturday, early morning, time starts to tick away. Woots my father say he buy Iphone then he dont like so.. its mine O_O. Damn wth. hahahahaha!
Your ' dasical bout something ' smile.
Labels : type type type, damn a chore for both brains and fingers.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Character is what you have left when you've lost everything you can lose

I see negative attitudes.
Sigh sometimes things just aren't in your control.

I'm proud to have done my very best this race. It's like I can feel that intensity and that willingness to win within me. To fight like a warrior that never gives up. Definitely proud.

But guess what, we didn't win, which to me isnt such a sad thing anymore hahaha.
Mama said, treat every lost, as a learning experience.

I f***ing screwed up the coxing.
I somehow blame the rudder for being tied too low and cannot be adjusted.
but then again I keep telling myself, if I'm good, then whatever situation, I can excel.

Seahawk leading, still leading seahawk, seahawks leads.. and the last 30metres I have to go off course and made em come in 3rd in the semis not qualifying for the grand nor minor finals.

People say, aiya whats done is done.
People say, you were quite daring to even go down and coxs even its ur first time and regatta arena's kinda hard to cox, many people go off course you know?
People say, learning experience lah, I support you still.

Andy say, ya bullshit, I blame it on my own inferior skills.
*scroll cursor over*
*highlights myself*
*press 'delete'*
*open recycle bin*
*click myself*
*press 'delete'*
even the untidy you look pretty when you smile, i swear cause it never fails to make my day

Labels : Learnings.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

just drive it out, beyond the limits.

..and thats what I'm gonna do tmr. I swear, I'll row till I break and head back to camp and sleep like a log.

Today's attempt was kinda, good, from what I see. My standard still maintained haha :D

My coach enlighten me with lotsa things. [ which i ain't gonna type cause I'm starving ]
My instructor scold me and tell me bout how weak I am and how am I gonna protect the people around me nexttime.

My teammates on the boat keep shouting for drives and push and I always wish I was just abit stronger and be the pillar to support em.

And things are gonna be different tmr.
Many many things will change and I hate to see it but, life's like this. You reap what you sow. So goodluck..

Anyways I think I damn smart, I look downwards and walk, and in the end, I knock my toes onto this protruding metal piece. Turban, now my left foot damn damn pain. Then just I tried to like.. tiptoe with my right foot, then like the bone shifted or something, now the ankle feels, not right, even [ 'clenching'<-- I really dont know what word to use ] my toes got this slight pain.

Oh wells, maybe its nothing, just suddenly pain only. To dinner. I am damn hungry!

For tomorrow, for you, all out. lets go andy.

Labels : I dunno lah, labels are damn troublesome. hahaha.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

reads, and laugh at my past deeds

First of all, say bye to 39degrees fever.
I survived afterall, it was a torture though.

Had to sit at the clinic for nearly an hour half, and trust me, that throbbing headache, that pain wasn't nice to endure at all.
I'd rather trade 1000 pushups for that pain, really.

next, to highlight my nick.
I read this sentence from somewhere, " shouted damn loud, infront of everyone, saying : because I love you ".

Damn, doesn't this scene reminds you of things which I had experienced.
Super drama, but yes, memories just pour back the minute I read that sentence, but then, hahahahahahahaha, I never expected people would do the same thing huh! HAHAHA.

Guess I've to write this down even though that period was a sad one. 20 years down the road, I might just view back my previous posts and .. laugh at .. how drama I was. Who knows, I might even be more drama then. This scene, a chilly night, people were walking thru and forth, it was on the roadside, around 20 steps away from a busstop near amk hub. I shouted all these at her, not giving a shit bout anyone around me.

But things just weren't solve and we ended up in this plight.

HEYO, I'm not getting emo or whatsoever, infact im smiling while typing out all of these. I just wanna remember all of these stuffs. They're pages that fills up the chapter of my life. They're, priceless infact. Sometimes, losing something, just makes you learn, the importance, the level of cherish you input, growth in maturity, and some other stuffs.

Alright, I've just recovered, but not giving a damn bout my health, this week, I doubt I'll give a damn bout anything, JUST LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST YO~!

Basketball gogogo!

Don't you want her to concern for you, don't you want her to be like herself, her fun attitude when shes with you. Don't you.

Labels : sick/memories.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I love the tann, but I hate the sunburns.

Yes, thats mutant andy, hahaha so if you still dont know how the f*** I'm looking atm, you can thank miss mak for threatening me with chopsticks in a restaurant and making me look so.. cute.

Haha, today's masters 's kinda cock, but at least i let my team feel back the feeling during competition, that intensity and how fierce the other teams are.

And I'm having sunburns and nothing much to say, so I think I should stop here and do something I wanna do atm :D

REGATTA here I come, please work hard man alumni, you guys just lack the heart and will to win sometimes :\

Takecare fellas.

Labels : write-for-fun.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

a little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest man.

Alright, this week is a killer week for me. I've been training really hard until i gained 2-4kg. Happy lor, people all say I slim down and stuffs then my muscle abit more obvious, but.. now its not that way hahaha!

Guess hardwork really paid off huh.
When I zoom into the future for abit, I guess I'll really miss NS50 somehow. All the shit attitude/faces/way of doing stuffs. The bonding and everything. It's just 2 months left, time really flies. But from there, is where I grow up to a new level.

And now i'm really having severe cramps from someone's special training. I need support when I walk down/up stairs, but downwards is so much harder :/
Then later still got basketball, mati lah, wahhh, endure ah!

thats it for now I guess, I'm going back to sleep! -10.14am-

He was always giving her attention
Working hard to buy the things she mentioned
He was dedicated by most suckers hated
That girl was fine but she didn't appreciate him
She calls him up, shes trippin on the phone now
He had to get out and he ain't coming home now
Now lets try to forget it that's how he got with her
When he first met her and when they first got together

Yes I know, it sounds like someone. haha.

Labels : just talk.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

mistakes are the portals of discovery

Finally, another book out. This week felt really long even though it's only 4 days. I really lost track of time and kept thinking bout book out.

But, honestly, I'm really happy with my own performance and discipline inside.
I really self train like one cockster, alumni, you all turtles, train hard yo!

Met up with my clique for supper. Honestly, I felt really super tired already, but trust me, if you ever get your ass inside camp, your weekends are like.. SO DAMN BLOODY PRECIOUS, you just can't let em go wasted by sleeping, SO! my weekends are gonna be damn packed hehe :D

Tmr's outing with my squad mates, Wonder how fun 'll it be hehe.
Honestly, I see many weird people, meet many, have to tolerate with many, weird people. But somehow, I think we got together as a squad for a reason and my own perception would be, we need each other to build up something that we need for our future.

Okay skip that. Lets talk bout today. I'm like high on 'drugs'. Self-concocted, 'drugs'. It's made up of, family, PSP, computer, mangas, songs, friends, AT THIS HOUR.

I down a " chicken baked rice with extra chicken, rice and cheese " at 9pm, and at 11pm, I had zhichar with nick. Then some indian vomitted due to over drink, wah lan eh, I like want to puke and don't want to look at it, but turban, its one entire.. puddle? Turban, aku almost puke also, luckily I didn't breathe in that shit smell, if not you doctors will be coming to me, keeping my legendary organs as they can be used for various purposes in the future :X

Alright, think I'll need the bed, super long day tmr? :)
Andy, turn 234 , left right left. hahaha.

Labels : weekends

Monday, October 27, 2008

you look at the stars, and hope to find answers.

Sometimes don't you find it weird, intruding so much into a person's life, and claim that its out of concern and everything nice. But that person will **** you back and you'll be like, I really had no other motive besides hoping that you'll be a happy person and stay safe.

Sometimes you want to know how important you actually are to that person, yet at the same time you know you won't get any definite answer and you get vexed over it and ends up categorized as 'sensitive lah you'.

Sometimes you just hope things will go by your way but things just falls, out of place. You try so hard but end up in that really deep abyss, screaming out your lungs, clenching your fist, grit your teeth and in your mind, you're just pissed off with, " why the fuck did I lose it, why did I even attempt such a stupid one ".

I went for pool session with kengsiang/ah yao/ah ben, these are the familiar pple and 2 guys and a girl.
Okay, its been ages since I last touch the cue, and seriously, I played like cock sia. But really, they damn pro and I got owned like ASGHASDHAFAS, totally no comments on my own tard skills. Had supper together at timah's al ameen and now I'm home, on the verge of crashing really hard on the bed and have a goodnight rest.

Before that, I had sea training with e buggers. Nothing much left to say, just perfect your strokes and you're perfect I guess? HAHAHA :D PIA AH ALUMNI, dont throw aku face like away you know.

Sometimes! You wanna ask if, she is treating you nicely, because she don't want to break your heart? Or because you treat her too well and she wants to repay you back thats why shes doing it, cause her concept is, "its only fair". Other than that, you're always secondary to her priorities cause you're really a nobody.

Sometimes you just have too much to ask and you keep yakking on non stop, and thinking non stop, clouding all of your clear/straightforward thoughts, and sometimes, when you ask a certain kind of question, just a " yes, I do " from the opposite party will cure that million questions/thoughts.

will I ever succeed to fit into your realm, I wonder.

Tmr 9pm into camp again. Oh wells, I'm ready to rumble, anytime :D

I love lorry rides, when you sit behind and feel the chill as the lorry goes 90km/h on the expressway at 1am. Seriously, the after effect, the numbness on the face and the sudden strike of warmth, really kinda sensational in some way. HAHAHA

Labels : thoughts

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody

This time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing.
I'll know it by the feeling.
The moment when we´re meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holdin’ my breath
Right up to the end
Until that moment when I find the one that I'll spend forever with

Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There`s gotta be somebody for me like that.

Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Somebody else that feels the same somewhere.
There's gotta be somebody for me out there.

Tonight out on the street out in the moonlight
And damn it this feels too right
It's just like Déjà Vu
Me standin' here with you
So I'll be holdin'my breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when I find the one that I spend forever with?

Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There´s gotta be somebody for me like that.

Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there.

You can't give up!
When you're lookin' for a diamond in the rough
Because you never know when it shows up
Make sure you're holdin' on

Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Someone to love with my life in their hands.
There has gotta be somebody for me

Nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There's gotta be somebody for me out there.

Nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.
Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?
There has gotta be somebody for me out there.

any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it

Man, i miss my god damn hair. Yesterday I talked non stop for an hour plus, while eating, I rather keep talking than care whether my food gets cold. And thats for a firsttime. Haha, normally, I'll eat till I finish before I start talking.

Yesterday I settled something that pains me till yesterday. I showed a very bad side of me. But I really need to release all the shit inside. And I guess I've done it. Getting over it may seem abit tough but.. I'll do it somehow :)


and to make this bitch proud, she indirectly, intro-ed me Nickelback - Gotta Be Somebody. Please listen to this damn song, its like DAMNNNNNNNNN nice lah bloody hell. I also repeat non stop, but i repeat for like 1 whole day, whereas she repeat only like half hour. HAHAHA.

and fkfkfkfk, yesterday got avenged sevenfold concert at singapore expo. And my bro gave me jaychou's new album, so im like.. i feel updated? so im happy? HAHAHA

Then next Funeral For A Friend's new album's also really damn nice. Nick, so much for saying I won't like one. My taste like good also one lor.

AND AND!! *catches breath* Wah, this week's manga really damn awesome, I fucking can't wait for next week's upload hahaha!

For now, I just wish to be a happy man, tmr please, I want a full boat for training. Then I sumpa I'll chiong for morning's seahawk and work super hard for alumni and train out a super team. Do me proud please alumni, you cheebyes work hard, we'll reap what we sow :D

Oh cmon, life's just a bet isn't it :D

P.S. - I realised, that I get physically hyper in the noon and close to evening, but after that, i get super hyper, my mouth gets super hyper in the night and midnight. HAHA what a weird person HUH?! Haha, later~ :)

Labels : obstacles/friends/life.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

sorry .. is cheap.

I wanna blog bout my life in the police academy, but its restricted so..

All i can say, i look forward for my weekends, but at the same time, to have fun back in camp. hahahaa, life's just unpredictable :)

Bloodyhell, lead ur own life andy!

Labels : life.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

the 3 person that everyone'll meet in their lives.

First, you'll meet "Loss", then further on in your path, you'll meet "Regret".
After meeting this 2 person, "Cherish" will come into your life and you'll enlighten.

It's been long since I last blogged. Felt like 2 years even though I was in camp for only like 2 weeks. Life's inside is tough but really fun. I can already feel the changes within me, about how one should react in real life from the teachings from inside.

People say its a waste of time, whereas I think I'm lucky to be born in singapore to make full use of this 2 years, to become a real person.

I suddenly have this rush within me, to write out some thoughts within me.

Be positive, I'm still young, I still have lotsa time to spend,
even though, 1 year of my life is taken away every 2nd september. So I musn't waste my life away. I'll do things to the fullest, my own way of feeling that maximum satisfactory.

Doing the same things today, with this kind of result..
does not mean that..
doing the same things tomorrow, will be the same result.

Perserverance will bring you somewhere. Somewhere you deserve to be.


I just booked out like yesterday evening and slept till like 12pm today. I'm so not gonna waste my weekend like this man!

Tomorrow's master series/training and back into camp.
Looks like I've to enjoy today to the fullest somehow :D

First stop, basketball. -out- :)

I really miss, my friends outside and.

Labels : thoughts/cherish/satisfactory.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

but things turn out unexpectedly, in a different kind of smooth.

It's 6.09 am, like 2 hours 21mins more and I'll get my ass into police academy.
I'm like nervous x excited x curious bout this whole new chapter of my life.
People I'm gonna meet, more nonsense we're gonna talk about and bonding.

I'll start learning bout 10pm-5am, I'll start learning bout you and me, I'll bring out that, more matured me within me.

I'll learn new things and evolve I guess?

Just don't evolve till too handsome I guess? LOLOL!

KK, I swear Im nervous, joking to calm myself like, down.

So not myself, but aku gonna like adapt damn fast, then my life wouldn't be so hardup inside :D

to that most stupid yet "quite clever" idiot, I'll like HAHA you like crazy.
HAHAHAHA! Get lost. :P

Okay, time to prepare and.. time will tell. :)

Labels : National service.
to my dismay

I think today wouldn't be a happy day.
I feel like just sitting down at home and cancel the outing, god knows why.
but guess I'll just have to activate that self high within me and have a last good dinner.

Oh wells, just let things come naturally alright.

I'll miss you damn badly, but it doesn't makes a difference I guess.

Labels : bad intuition.

Monday, October 06, 2008

When i chance upon that lamp..

I rub it so hard till it told me to say whatever I wished..

I wish..

That Me my friends and my family, will always be healthy throughout their entire life.
Open whatever swimming pool/billard room/jamming studio/painting house/DIY kitchen and whatever nonsense you want also have.
I will have a successful career and earn lotsa money for future needs.
Own a big house and have whatever animals I want and maids/servants to help me take care of my house and family. Honest ones though.
Have my very own instructors to teach me whatever I wanna learn even though the process is hard and it takes time to learn.
Have a really cool car to drive my loved one around even though I still haven't got my license yet. [ HEY I STEPPED INTO BBDC ALREADY THO ]
Have a really great smooth sailing life ahead.
Have a woman whom truly loves me and vice versa.

Side wishes? for now.

You could come by and send me to camp on my first day.
A positive reply when I ask if you haha me.
You could spend time with me often.

Haha I wish i wish i wish..

Labels : wishes.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Inordinate till you look beyond patheticIncase you're like DAMN curious about how I look with my nolongeremohair, it goes something like this. Haha I know I look freaking kiddy, or even ahbeng, but aiya, going in NS already, who cares bout your bullshit and stuffs HAHAHAHA!
I KNOW, YOU'RE ASKING, WHAT IN THE COW HELL IS THAT?! The front teeth were chipped off cause I was choking so they quickly pull it out, and this, was 1 year, 6months ago :D
Super like.. SHARK ATTACK RIGHT. Even I see already I also scare sia. Like?!?! ANDY YOU SURE UR TEETH WAS.. SO SCARY?!? or.. IS THAT.. A lion's jaw? HAHAHA
But fortunately, now, my teeth's all straight and nice! YAY! Like damn long wait lah, but finally finally. No more braces! But now people are complaining that I look cuter with braces? Like.. wth?!

And how was my day? Today, I had a really great time at sentosa, with chunyew, the roughest bball player. Trust me, he noob until he thought hes doing it right and bodyslam,chokeslam, whatever slam, just to stop you. Monster or ??

Then we have wangjie and zhenwei, master of the great wall of super big gulp. HAHAHA, they build like turban, i think got 50-70 of those icons. Super hardcore, I like, gave up and just.. sit down and watch.

Last but not least, we have kengsiang and yan an, the sandmen, they fill up the cup with sand and transfer to our.. final-product-managers. So their effort weren't in vain.

Headed down to basketball and NUS then dinner then home, then like spend 40 over bucks on cab like dont know why? HAHAHA and now my vision is shaking like mad.

Whenever I have not enough sleep, this happens, plus that stupid runny nose which isn't, here at the moment.

Wah, its really shaking like mad, I should head to bed, like.. NOW?

HAHA NIGHTS EVERYONE, today's a great day :D

P.S. If proof were like brought out, chaos would happen, and things will never be solved. But you jolly well know you did it and you know your responsibility, and your fucked up life. Go ahead and act one nothing happen, goodluck in life I must say, you need alot of that

Labels : Alumni/Sentosa/Bball/Stupid people.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

you trust the wrong man, you get the wrong outcome.

He whom says he don't really care, will suffer the wrath of his own doings.
He whom betrays, will get betrayed.
He whom, trusted "HIM", will learn from his mistakes.
He whom felt foolish, will learn to forgive and forget.
He whom is so childish and have no responsiblity in life, will get no fruit, or he will, a rotten fruit this life.

Yes sup yo, thats my brother, the breakdance kid yo! He really fuckingly, suprised me when he did those moves. From an idiot that plays dota, goes school, have band CCA, dont like sports..

He started doing all these crap infront of me, okay, not crap but, cool moves, expected from the asshole's brother yeah. Fly higher, brother!

I'm gonna start learning from him from today, totally awesome, TOTALLY~

Labels : betrayal/breakdance/brother.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

the fastest heartbeat..

that makes me can't get back to bed.
not because of a nightmare.

But because i was dreaming of me, saving someone as a lifeguard role.
this particular scene was a bedok, I dont know why im there.

Then this person just fell into the water while rowing, Shouted " HELP, call 995 ", while running to the point where SDBA always puts the scoreboard.

What I last remember was, I have to save this person and..
I woke up when I plunged into the water, in the dream of course and

trust me, at 5am, my heartbeat was terok, now only terok divide by 2, still quite terok.
gotta get up and get ready for work!

Labels : dreams/heartbeat-rate






Labels : tag reply ;)

Friday, September 26, 2008

no longer soft, I've grown up and I'm proud.

I read words. I see that they interact.
I'm happy, really really happy.
I'm superbly glad that..
"A" promised my request.
If we could talk once again, I'll definitely not screw up that friendship again.

Oh wells, that picture without me, 's successfully drawn out..
And I smile with no regrets.

Labels : happy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

stagnant thoughts, until they get out.

sometimes, you have to get out of this thing that you've been staying in for a period of time and look at things in different point of view, from there..

then you'll realise, why didn't I think that way before!

Labels : diff-pov's.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I twirl and whirl..

with the tools that the creator gave me.
with my hands/brain/mouth..
I try to amend all the stuffs that made wrong.

To see things/people that I once cherish, to be happy once again, will make me happy.

I'll redraw that picture of everyone, but this time, without me in it.
I'll bring people that I once "messed around"<--HAPPY NOT ZOE..
with, together again.
This time I won't be soft hearted and wait for people or hear people pulling me back.

I draw a new route, and I walk away, forgetting all the tears/pain/happiness that I've once acquired.
Go forth andy.

Labels : amend.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The next chapter, new story, new climax..

I've been getting abit stressed up with the new environment im going to adapt with.
The incoming National Service.

Maybe its this kinda stress that makes me talk things out very straightforwardly, wanting to say out everything before I leave, for a period.

I never realised that this might be the upcoming stress that would occur in me till I found out, JUST, after reflecting abit while walking that long and drag-gy road back home.

Wonder, will I change friends, will the so called brothers be gone because I'm missing in action due to national service. Will my life change 360degrees and all of my mindset and principles all changed due to maturity?

Sigh, sorry to all I've "talked sense" to.
Sometimes, it may seem to make me abit arrogant and stuffs, but I think thats just me, for now.

OH! And I was thinking back bout all the cartoons I loved since young.
Bikermice/Streetsharks?/Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden/Iron man/Dash! Yonkuro/Beyblade/Pokemon/Digimon/Double Dragons/Cooking master boy/Zoids. Ah, they really do bring me back lotsa memories, and time sure flies.

Even though I'm still into animes like Katekyo Hitman Reborn!/One piece/Bleach/Naruto/Eyeshield 21/D.Gray-man/Claymore/Zatchbell.
Guess it never ends uh? :)

Labels : stress/arrogance/memories.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rather than to sit and wait, I take the next step..

Sometimes patience isn't really my virtue.
Although I can really wait for some stuffs somehow.

But now, I've decided to make the first move, to do things my way, to make pple benefit, my way.

At least I feel better off when I see the smile come back once more.

To sacrifice, to ask for favours, to put down that pride with an ending result of what you want to see, is what that makes you feel relief, even if theres still this tinge that makes you want it back for you to dote and shower your love on, you have to be hardhearted and try ur very best to ignore.

Only then, you will know you've done the right thing, and haven't let yourself down.

Labels : yourveryown-guiltyconscience.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Men, and their ambitious plans to make a better world..

Did you guys know, that, last week, US shot a beam to draw an asteroid. Because they want to use the asteroids to invent new stuffs, new technology, which is a good thing and too, might not be a good thing.

Because if it fails.. you get doomsday.
If this coming sunday, when the second beam is released and the world ends..

I wonder will it be too late for her to keep her promise to start a conversation with me.
Even if its just " Hey " , or even better " How have you been " , It would really make me over the moon.

Put down all that pride and ego and do not be afraid of the pain that would come back and take some time to subside. To have something, is better to have nothing.

When all is done, there won't be such a thing as " its never too late ".

I've already put down my pride and tried all means to talk, with no avail of course.
Time never waits for you. You cherish whats infront of you if you want to live in bliss.

Labels : doomsday/sunday/awaiting still.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

this is how men should live and be.

I ponned training today, thinking that I should give my body a break.
I slept at 10pm yesterday and woke up at 12 today.
14 hours flat of sleep, awesome, but my body still feel weak all over.

Decided, headed down to the bball court to relax my muscles and soon, average china players whom think they're really pro came down.

So yea, in the end I played really rough. You know the conclusion, I didn't get to relax my muscles, instead I chiong. I had 3 really pro players in my team.
We lost after the 5th match with a score or 6-7. The china pple purposely said 0-0 start. Turban, we're like leading 4-1.

I manage to score 2 though, cause I really dont know how to play box defence.

But this isnt what I wanna type in my post today. Its this..

A friend, called Timothy, hes flying off to UK to get a degree for law.
I was really shocked you know, like, a good player, a good friend whom's always there to help/talk when you're at the bball court, is leaving to another place, and coming back only after 3 years.
Its that parting feeling that sucks, even though we're not really related, just basketball accquaintance, but our bond when playing basketball was really strong tho. He taught me to play box defence and firm stand for defence while in the 5 games. I'll remember his teachings and show him that I've learnt well when he comes back from UK, that, timothy, I promise I'll do it, and I do it for you. Be prepared for a stronger andy when you're back.

Its like men of the past, they travel, for their own benefit, and settle down only when they find their love one, or they accomplish their goals. They meet new people, some become brothers, or friends to travel along, and they'll help each other, even though they never knew each other's character really well. The trust among them, stay really strong and whenever they part, they treat it as a new start of their journey, to become more sophisticated, more learnt in different professions that they pursue, and make their mark somewhere.

For me, after hearing that hes leaving, I felt a sudden " lost of friend " feeling. I think I'm really weak somehow and I wanna scream it out.

But I'm going out now so I'm not gonna type so much already
A new phrase for myself, be stronger and move on andy.

I wonder, after army, how would I think, how would I react to things. If my dad ever throw me to overseas for afew years to get my degree, will I leave for a new future, to upgrade and come back a more useful person,

or would there be a certain person in spore, whom would say" hey andy, stay in spore, for me ". I wonder ..

Oh wells, life's unpredictable.
I'm going out..

Labels : parting/friends.
I have to try to keep ignoring, even if it shatters.

When I do things, fucked up people get angry. Things like talking to someone.
What in the cow hell is happening, I mean, why god created such stupid men.

Labels : retardsoftheworldunites.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

that reflection, that picture in the mirror, that speaks a thousand words.

I have a friend, whom met people that're two faced, people that are so fake, he trusted em and in the end, when he realise their pretence, he got turned off, completely.

Sometimes, people tell him things indirectly..
like, friends.
Then doubts like..

what friends..
who are those friends..
will they affect that goal I am trying to achieve?..

flows into his brains and they're stucked in that brain-maze.
And when he dug out the secrets, he gets pissed off but he tries his best to not do a shit bout it, cause its none of his business to begin with, even though, yes, it'll affect part of his future, depending on the outcome..

Hes so stupidly/silly-ly,-devoted, he gambles and hopes to see a light, that small ray that brought a moment of bliss, will be shut away and he'll go back to square one..
but still hoping, that that light would shine again, and shine forever.

He told me, he never felt as pathetic as before.
But he also said, its just the beginning and its so tough.

I look at his tired eyes, and tell him, then live life happier and not be tied down by such stuffs.
and strongly reminded him that, what will be, will be. Life ahead's filled with mystery, every path you take will give you a different surprise and learnings.

He smiled, and walked away from that picture.

Anyways, today I went to NUS to play bball.. super random and fast change in topic i know.
Darn it man, my left knee and right ankle's screaming so badly but I still continue playing.
Oh, and I met weishan, whom took a bus from one side of NUS to come find me, so i should be honoured, turban. I TREAT YOU TO A MEAL LAH OKAY?!

haha, thats all for now i guess, signing off.

-Asshole, Andy-

Labels : "fakers"/thoughts/injuries
I never did give them hell, I just spoke the truth, and they thought it was hell.

Sometimes, upon hearing the truth, you breakdown, you want to get to the bottom of the matter, you feel damn f*ckedup, asking what's life about.

But what I like to hear, is the truth, so I can change from it, even though it hurts sometimes.
I hate, people whom beat bout the bush, or keep things from me, even though its for my own good.

People are just trying to make emself not get stucked.
and making me sit here asking why, zzz.

Labels : truth

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war

8th september, andy release a new stunt.
It was so hardcore that many said its like in the movies, like jackie chan.

Even i think so hahaha! ;)

He spent 53 bucks just for a morning, on taxis. Duper crazy i know. But there was a purpose within.
At least its well money spent, he thinks.

But talking bout 9th sep, today, he drank that 1.5 litre of green tea and played full court bball.
Thanks to that, he lied on the situp bench nearby his house from 8pm and slept till 840, cause it just felt too uncomfortable, the feeling of vomiting.

The full court was fun anyways :D
Especially when you sprint barefooted due to consecutive fast breaks.
Ah, basketball, brings back the drive in you sometimes.

To bathe!

P.S. I'm serving army on 7th october, damn it, please miss me HAHAHA!

Labels : basketball, confession, national service.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sometimes, patience is the key.

I waited for years for this day to come.
I never expected us to turn out this way.

Damn, all that warmth and satisfactory.
Really, to think my hardwork paid off, somehow.

I still wanna be a wimp and cry, to cry out all these happiness I have.
To realise, that good things do happen, if you dare to perservere.

TODAY, 06/09/2008, IS A DAY I'LL NEVER FORGET. I FINALLY MADE A FRIEND, THAT I LONGED FOR, FOR DAMN 6 years and 9months, just estimating tho.
Thanks for accepting me, Miss.Huang.

Labels : Friends.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

When the time never stops..

.. producing memories for me.
Whether if its happy moments, awkward moments, moments of intensity, curiosity.
I love all of it, cause thats how life should be.

Thanks for spending my birthday with me.
to rodney/weiming/zhihao..dildo, WTF?!?
to simin jeannie.. yes i know, nexttime we'll go for " chicken & co/beef & co/pork & co "-.-!!
back to rodney/weiming/zhihao/kenneth/joel..with supper till 1.30am.

really. its time to grow up. shouldering responsibilities and knowing what to keep/let go.
it was a fun 18th. here comes 19th.

Goodluck Have Fun, andy.

Mest - Jaded, yes its a repost, of this song. But this song brought me to know this clique, honestly. :)

There's a time and place, for everything.
There's a reason why, certain people meet.
There's a destination, for everyone.
What's the explanation, when we're done?

All the summer nights spent wondering;
So many questions asked, but no one's answering.
Would it be okay if I left today?
Took my chances on what you said was wrong?

I'm jaded, stupid, and wreckless.
Not sorry, and I'll never regret.
These years spent, so faded and wreckless.
Not sorry, and I'll never regret these years.
I'll never regret these years.

Now here i sit, so far away.
Remembering all our memories.
Where times like these that I miss you most,
Remembering when we were so close.

I'm jaded, stupid, and wreckless.
Not sorry, we'll never regret.
These years spent, so faded and wreckless.
Not sorry, and I'll never regret these years.

I'll never forget the places we've been, you and i.
Our lives are slipping away.
Don't want to let time pass us by, byyyyyyy...

I'm jaded, stupid, and wreckless.
Not sorry, and I'll never regret.
These years.......spent, so faded and wreckless,
Not sorry, and I'll never regret...
I'm jaded, stupid, and wreckless.
Not sorry, and I'll never regret these years.

I love the lyrics, and I want to dedicate to everyone out there.
Never ever give up on life, due to a setback.
For my case, i almost gave up due to a r/s. But after thinking, maybe, a heartbroken period, is a positive thing, maybe she came into my life, to make me stronger.
Maybe she'll be my friend once again.

I dont know what will happen next, but I'll never regret these years spent so faded and wreckless, of my own doings.

Time to sleep, its fucking 5:34 AM!

Labels : positive/birthday.